報名時間: 2021-11-01 ~ 2022-04-15



What is Violence?

The World Health Organization (WHO)defines violence as “a scenario in which physical force or power is used to another person in the form of a deliberate threat or actuality, resulting in or likely to result in damage, death, or psychological harmto the person exposed.”


Domestic violence includes abuse against children, the elderly, and, in particular, violence against womenby a spouse. In both rich and developing countries, violence is a major public health issue. Violence against women is a major issue all around the world.

Acts of violence, according to lawyers, are “aggressive and rudeness that people engage in against their like, causing substantial or insignificant damage or injury to them.” This concept highlights the connection between violence and the use of force that results in irreversible physical injury. Children, women, and the elderly are the most vulnerable to violence.

Individual violence is researched within the umbrella of domestic violence in this regard. Individual violence, on the other hand, is a component that contributes to collective violence. The consequent damages are also assessed from an individual standpoint, based on the incident that person has gone through. The employment of weapons is one of the most common methods seen in violent activities.

Firearms, in addition to being a component that aggravates the outcome of violence, are also a factor that causes violence. With the growth of private weapons, there has been a significant surge in both violent and death-ending incidents around the world, including our own nation. Murders committed with guns account for a significant portion of the total. 60% of violent deaths include the use of a firearm.










social media violence

against women

Physical, emotional, sexual, and economic violence are the four main types of violence against women. Physical violence is defined as a breach of the wounded person’s physical integrity. The violence produced by the use of physical force can inflict temporary or permanent harm to a person’s body, and can even result in death. Physical violence is also used in the practice of sexual violence. However, in order to be classified as sexual violence, the act must be of the magnitude of an assault on the person’s sexual integrity. This type of attack does not necessarily have to be physical. Sexual violence includes, for example, verbal sexual harassment. When emotional and economic violence occurs, no conclusions are made. In reality, they are the most prevalent, but also the least common, and hence the most difficult kinds of violence to combat.

against children

Cases of violence against children are the ones that do the most harm among all cases of violence, and they are the ones that are the most concealed and unreported. Violence against children is commonly referred to as child abuse since it impedes the child’s development. In its widest meaning, physical abuse is described as “non-accidental damage to a kid.” The most prevalent type of instance is physical abuse and beating of a youngster. Physical abuse is defined as “abuse that causes the appearance of ecchymoses, fractures, burns, and other lesions that inflict physical harm to the body.” Non-accidental injuries and child abuse are examples of physical abuse.

against refugees

A refugee is “a person who has a well-founded fear of being persecuted because of his/her race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion and therefore leaves his/her country and is unable or unwilling to return because of his/her fear”. Persons with refugee status are already in their own country, in the process of escape, in the country of asylum; They are the victims of many forms of violence such as rape, persecution, terrorism and ethnic cleansing. Violence against refugee women is as common as children. They are exposed to situations such as sexual and physical violence against women, exploitation and discrimination, being forced into sex work.

against disabled

Disabled violence has been the most conspicuous category of acts against disabled persons in recent years. The limitation imposed by handicap also limits people’s responses when they are subjected to violence. Basically, the issue is that a person with a physical or mental impairment that restricts one or more key daily tasks is restricted in response. In addition, caregiver aggression comes to the fore in this demographic, where care is more significant.

against employee

“Mobbing” is a process that includes various stages. Various psychological factors are involved in the formation process and adversely affect the health of the targeted person. The frequency, repetition and duration of the “mobbing” that affect the victim the most. The greater the psychological violence and the longer its duration, the greater its effect. The private and social life of the person who becomes unhappy and withdrawn by being exposed to psychological violence is affected. One of the ways frequently used in the process of “mobbing” is to defame or defame the victim. Although the victim’s performance, ability and skill are high, they are shown as inadequate or some mistakes that were not subject to complaint before may be seen as a problem.



Open for Entries: November 1, 2021

Deadline: April 15, 2022

Jury Evaluation: 17 Apr 2022 – 25 Apr 2022

Announcement of Results: 30 Apr 2021


a) The posters they will send are related to one or more of the following types of violence,

• Violence against women,

• Violence against children,

• Violence against the elderly,

• Violence against the employee,

• Violence against the disabled,

• Violence against refugees,

• Violence against animals,

• Social Media violence.

b) Participation is expected with posters on the theme of violence that comply with the participation conditions below.


Under the theme of violence, it covers the gathering of designs that aim to raise awareness and create awareness on the above-mentioned issues, under an international event roof.


The final exhibition to be organized by Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Universitycan be viewed online at biahposter.com.


1 BIAH Crystal Plaque, Certificate of Participation and Special Edition Catalogue will be given to the artists who are placed in the top three rankings in the competition.


A. Participation in the competition is open and free for everyone.

B. There is no limit for sending posters.

C. A verbal message (title, slogan, etc.) that supports the visual design can be used in the posters.

D. The language of the messages/slogan only in English.

E. Posters should be worked as 4134 x 5906px, 300dpi, RGB (vertical) and sent in JPEG format. Inappropriate designs will be eliminated without being evaluated.

F. There should not be any LOGO, institution name or sign in the designs.

G. Submitted designs must not have been exhibited, published or awarded anywhere before. Applications of works that have been exhibited or participated in the exhibition before will be eliminated before the evaluation stage. If this occurs after the first three runs have been identified, the ranking will be updated to skip one row. In this case, the candidate is obliged to return the certificate of achievement and the award.

H. The determination process of this situation continues with the sharing of the posters with the public on the website, the suspension of the designs for 5 days, the removal of the design from the list when there is an objection or detection regarding the similarity, and the announcement by adding the next design in its place. 2 days objection period is given for the added design or designs. If there is no objection, the final result is announced. If objections are raised for the added designs, the organizing committee decides whether this process will continue or not.

I. Poster designs to be made on the subject specified in the event will be evaluated.

J. For poster design, sponsor, commercial LOGOs or visuals should not be used. In addition, it should not contain symbols and images that are political, contrary to human rights, or contain sexuality.

K. Only applications made through the biahposter.com website will be considered.

L. If the Organizing Committee deems necessary, it may change the exhibition schedule or cancel the exhibition at any stage.

M. The organizers and the organizing committee can make any decision regarding the competition and the organization, whether or not they inform the participants.

N. All artists/designers participating in the event and whose designs are deemed worthy of being exhibited are deemed to have accepted the provisions of this specification in advance.


A. The works to be evaluated will go through a one-stage jury elimination process. The evaluation phase will be carried out through the online voting system that will be defined to the juries. The information of the participants (including the country information) will be hidden in the online voting panel defined for the juries. The results will be determined by averaging the scores of the posters on which the jury members voted on a scale of 1 to 5. All the processes in the qualifying stages will be done entirely on the internet, and the scores and results will be automatically calculated by the system. During the process, the juries will be able to view the percentage of votes previously given to the posters, but for transparency reasons, viewing which jury gave how many points to which work will be restricted.

B. The visuals of all works sent by the participants at the end of the event are treated as if their financial rights were taken over by Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University, with all their copyrights, in the form of a simple license. Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University visuals of all the works sent by the participants; Posters, catalogues, brochures, etc., in Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University web pages, television broadcasts, internet and social media sites, events and educational activities. as all kinds of promotional materials as specified in the relevant articles of the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works No. 5846; will have the right to use all copyrights without paying any price, including the right to use and display for display, as well as the right to transmit to the public by means of processing, reproduction, dissemination, representation, sign, sound or image transmission. The candidate declares, accepts and undertakes that he will not object to this matter and that he has already irrevocably waived his right to take legal action.


A. Candidates participating in the competition are deemed to have accepted all the conditions in this specification in advance, from the moment they apply to participate in the competition.

B. In matters not specified in the specification or in case of hesitation, the decisions of the organizers (on behalf of the institution) are valid.





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