By entering the First Pages Prize 2022, you agree to the following terms and conditions.
- Five prizes are awarded annually to emerging writers.
- The competition is forwriters who are NOT currently represented by a literary agent.
- The winners receive:
- a. A cash award(1st – $2,000, 2nd – $1,500, 3rd – $1000, 4th – $750, 5th – $750 in US dollars)
- b. A tailored editup to the first 100 pages to support the completion of their full manuscript (must be completed before end of prize year)
- c. Consultation with an agent via Zoom
- Cash prizes are not transferable. The developmental edit and agent consultation are not transferable or redeemable.
Eligibility – Entrants
- Eligible writers from anywhere in the world may enter.
- Entrants must be individuals, not a company or organization.
- Entrants must be over 18 years of age at the time of entering their work.
- Entrants must be currently unagented. If you are represented by or signed with an agent, you are NOTeligible to enter.
- If an entrant signs with an agent prior to winners being announced they must notify First Pages Prize immediately to withdraw and their entry fee will be refunded (minus fees).
- Entrants may submit more than one entry. Each entry needs to be submitted as a separate entry and you need to pay the fee for each entry.
- Entrants must submit the work using their name, not a pen name. A pen name may be used when announcing their win, if requested.
- By entering, entrants accept that their email address is added to the mailing list of the First Pages Prize.
- By entering, winners accept that quotes from their entry and their photo and bio details may be used to promote the First Pages Prize.
- This competition is NOT OPENto members of the board or employees of The First Page Prize, Inc., The de Groot Foundation, the reviewers or judge. Family members of the aforementioned are also NOT eligible.
Eligibility – Entries
- Entries are blinded. The entrant’s name MUST NOT appear anywhere on the manuscriptof the entry to ensure judging anonymity. The entrant’s full name MUST NOTbe part of the story title. Any entry failing to comply with this rule is immediately disqualified without refund of entry fee.
- Must be your unpublished, original work.
- Must be written in English.
- Entries may be for works of Fiction or Creative Non-Fiction.
- Must not infringe upon the copyrightof any person or entity.
- No entry will be returned or kept after the winners have been announced.
- Entries will be acknowledged upon completion of submission.
- Copyright remains with the author.
- Entries that were previously entered into the First Pages Prize and did not place 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, or received a Readers’ Pick are eligibleto be resubmitted.
Works that are not Eligible
- Previously published entries(including on a website, Wattpad or any other online or offline platform).
- Entries(or drafts of entries) that won 1st, 2nd, or 3rd placein any other competition.
- Translated works.
- SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS are possible, however, if your entry wins 1st, 2nd or 3rd place in another competition you must withdraw from the First Pages Prize by emailing info@firstpagesprize.com. Your entry fee will be refunded (minus processing + transaction fees) unless you submit a different entry (within the period).
How to Enter
- All submissions must be made through the Submittable platform https://firstpagesprize.submittable.com/submit
- Please submit the first pages (1,250 words maximum)of a longer work of fiction or creative non-fiction.
- Kindly double space your pages, using Times New Roman 12-point font.
- Name your file with your story title and make sure your story title does not include your name.
- Acceptable file types are .PDF, .DOCX, .RTF, .ODT, .DOC, and .TXT
- Entries for the 2022 competition open on March 1, 2022 at 00:00 am Pacific Standard Time and close on April 10, 2022 at 23:59 (11:59 p.m.) Pacific Standard Time. An extended entry periodopens on April 10, 2022 at 00:00 am Pacific Standard Time and closes on April 24, 2022 at 23:59 (11:59 p.m.) Pacific Standard Time. Please check a time zone converter to avoid disappointment and inability to enter http://www.timebie.com/std/pst.phpor https://www.thetimezoneconverter.com
- Only submissions received and paid for within the entry periods will be considered.
- Entries that are not paid for, are incomplete, corrupted or submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
- The entryfee is $20 US dollars per entry. The extended entry fee is $35US dollars per entry.
- No alterationmay be made to the entry once it is submitted.
By entering this competition, each entrant agrees to be bound by the competition guidelines, terms and conditions.
Review & Judging Process
- All entries to the First Pages Prize are submitted to a blinded review process. Reviewers and judge do not know the identity of entrants submitting.
- Our judging criteria are: quality of writing (including character development and originality), a sense of story or bigger narrative emerging, and how much the reviewers and judge are hooked by the writing.
- Our review and judging process adheres to the CLMP Contest Code of Ethics (see below).
- Only winners will be contacted.
- No individual feedback will be provided except to the top five Finalists.
- The decisions of the reading panel and judge are final. No correspondence will be entered into regarding the judging process.
Thank you for entering. We look forward to reading your pages.
New to Submittable?
This help articleincludes a video explaining what to expect when you submit your work using Submittable.
CLMP Contest Code of Ethics
The First Pages Prize competition adheres to the Council of Literary Magazines & Presses Contest Code of Ethics as stated below.
“CLMP’s community of independent literary publishers believes that ethical contests serve our shared goal: to connect writers and readers by publishing exceptional writing. We believe that intent to act ethically, clarity of guidelines, and transparency of process form the foundation of an ethical contest. To that end, we agree to 1) conduct our contests as ethically as possible and to address any unethical behavior on the part of our readers, judges, or editors; 2) to provide clear and specific contest guidelines—defining conflict of interest for all parties involved; and 3) to make the mechanics of our selection process available to the public. This Code recognizes that different contest models produce different results, but that each model can be run ethically. We have adopted this Code to reinforce our integrity and dedication as a publishing community and to ensure that our contests contribute to a vibrant literary heritage.”