東京字體指導俱樂部(日文:東京タイプディレクターズクラブ,英文:Tokyo Type Directors Club,簡稱:Tokyo TDC)成立於1987年,是日本字體研究和圖形設計領域具有代表性的非營利組織之一,著名設計師、字體研究專家淺葉克己先生自創建以來一直擔任理事長至今。
東京字體指導俱樂部對入會會員要求甚嚴,迄今為止僅有不到150名會員(包括日本本土和日本海外會員),會員均為在某領域取得傑出成就的專業人士,如著名設計師仲條正義、葛西薫、佐藤可士和、中島英樹、服部一成、Alexander Gelman(美國)、王序(中國)、John Warwicker(英國)等。
東京字體指導俱樂部於1990年設立東京TDC獎(TDC Annual Awards/東京字體指導俱樂部獎)已經成為亞太地區字體研究和圖形設計領域最出色的比賽之一,東京字體指導俱樂部獎旨在關注與推崇表現文字和語言之間具有深刻關聯的字體設計,同時也十分關注藝術指導者在企業品牌訴求時的品味和視覺溝通藝術及設計的主張。
Tokyo TDC 每年從世界各地募集數千件優異的參賽作品,從中選拔出頂尖之作授予 Tokyo TDC 大獎。今年也選擇將在線方式申請參賽和評審,評審將分這兩個階段進行:首先,將在參賽作品中評選出大約 450-500 件作品納入年鑑,然後,在這其中評選出入圍作品、獲獎作品。
參賽資格 Award Qualify
- TDC 要求提交參賽作品的申請人必須是其作品的設計總監
- 參賽作品必須是在 2020 年 9 月至截止日期之間製作的
- 如果系列作品的一部分是在參賽期間之外製作的,請說明情況
- 不接受學生分組報名,學生的所有參賽作品必須單獨完成。
獎項設置 Award Setting
- 特等獎:1個
- TDC獎6個
- 字體設計獎1個
- 書籍設計獎1個
- RGB獎:1個(所有類別都有資格獲得此獎項)
- 特別獎(不受獎金限制) : 0 ~ 2 個條目
- 獲獎作品和優秀作品“入圍作品”是指入圍獎品但未入選獲獎作品的作品“優秀作品”是指除上述之外的入選年鑑的作品
- 特等獎 : JPY200,000
- 其他獎項 : JPY100,000
賽事類別 Award Category
1. 小圖形(日歷、唱片封套、傳單、門票、邀請函、DM、目錄、小冊子等)
2. 編輯/書籍設計
3. 字體設計
4. 標志和標識/企業文具/品牌CI/品牌VI
5. 標牌和展示/包裝
6. 廣告(報紙雜志廣告/海報,含:廣告海報/廣告活動/廣告活動海報等)
7. 海報B(不包括“廣告”類中的海報作品;實驗海報應選擇“海報 B” ,而不是“實驗作品”。)
8. 實驗(不屬於其他范疇的實驗作品)
9. 網站/應用程序
10. 視頻(音樂視頻、直播視頻、電影片名、電影廣告、數字標牌、空間/背景視頻等)
11. RGB 實驗(不包括網站/應用程序&視頻的作品)
賽事時間 Entry Time
- 早鳥報名截止日期: 2021年9月10日
- 常規報名截止日期: 2021年10月10日
- 選擇納入年鑑作品:2021年11月下旬
- 選擇提名和獲獎作品:2021年12月中旬
- 獲獎作品和入圍公佈:2022年1月中旬
- 展覽頒獎典禮:2022年4月
參賽費用 Entry Fee
- JPEG:單項$30 (學生$20);系列$70 (學生$50)
- PDF:系列$70 (學生t $50 )<第3類
- 動畫標志 (額外費用):$20<第4類
- 可變字體 (額外費用):$20<第3類
- 網站 / 應用:單個$30(學生$20)< 第9類
- MOV / MP4:3分鐘內$30 (學生$20), 3 分鐘或以上$70 (學生$50)< 第10、11類
- 為系列條目添加額外的 JPEG 和 PDF 圖,每 5 張圖像$ 30
- 如果說明材料的電影長於 30 秒:3 分鐘以下額外付$ 30 /超過 3 分鐘額外付$ 70
- JPEG:單項$50 (學生$30);系列$100 (學生$70)
- PDF:系列$100 (學生$70) <第 3 類
- 動畫標志 (額外費用):$20 < 第 4 類
- 可變字體 (額外費用):$20 < 第 3 類
- 網站・應用:單人 $50 (學生 $30 ) < 第 9 類
- MOV / MP4:3 分鐘內$ 50 ( 學生 $30),3 分鐘或以上$ 100 (學生 70) < 類別 10、11
- 為系列條目添加額外的 JPEG 和 PDF 圖像,每 5 個圖像 $50
- 如果說明材料的視頻長於 30 秒:3 分鐘以下額外付 $50,超過 3 分鐘額外付 $100
報獎資料 Required Information
- TOKYO TDC 2022 報名登記英文填寫注冊參賽者姓名及個人信息、類別、標題、簡短說明、作品的製作和創建日期、提交的數據等等
- 上傳作品的數字圖像
評審團 Jury
淺羽勝美 / 巴爾默·哈倫(巴爾默·普莉希拉+伊沃·哈倫)/ 服部一成 / 平林直美 / 井上津谷 / 葛西薰 / 菊地篤樹 / 北川伊薩 / 小林明 / 松本源東 / 明修志 / 三澤遙 / 日原清典 / 大幸村大二郎奧村幸政 / 佐藤卓 / 澀谷克彥 / Shin Sobue / 田兵美奈 / 立花文雄 / 高田由伊 / 田中義久 / 田中良司 / 上西由裡 / 約翰·沃維克 / Nod Young
Shigenobu Fujita / Cyrus Highsmith / Akira Kobayashi / Ryoko Nishizuka / Shin Sobue / Osamu Torinoumi / John Warwicker / Wang Wen
第 9、10、 11 類的評審
長谷川戶太 / 服部和成 / 伊藤加彬 / 葛西薰 / 菊地篤樹 / 松本源人 / 中村佑吾 / 田中亮司
Announcement of both prize winning works and prize nominee work
Announcement of both prize winning works and prize nominee works will be made around the middle of January 2022 at this site.
Notification to Entrants
Notification of prize winning work, prize nominee work and excellent work will be sent by the mid-January 2022 along with a request for the provision of credited manuscripts.
Notification of rejection will be sent by email at the end of January 2022.
Prize winning and prize nominee works will be exhibited at TDC exhibition. Excellent works that earn high marks will be also exhibited. TDC exhibition will be held in April 2022 at the ginza graphic gallery in Tokyo. We will hold an awards ceremony and the Design Forum ‘TDC DAY.’
*Showings at other exhibitions not specified here are considered to be approved by entrants without permission.
Annual Book
The international edition of Tokyo TDC, Vol.33 -The Best in International Typography & Design will be published in the end of 2022.
*No complimentary copies of the annual book will be provided.
Steps for Entry
① Registering the entry
▶︎ TOKYO TDC 2022 Entry Registration (Google Form)
Register the entrant’s name and personal information, with an outline of the submission (category, title, Short Explanation, production / created date of the work, data to be submitted, Categories 6, 7 and 8 are based on the size of the works etc.).
* If you submit multiple entries, number them as 1, 2, 3, etc., as the “Entry No”.
* For those who are unable to use the Google Form, please download this PDF and email an entry registration.
E-mail : contact@tokyotypedirectorsclub.org
Subject : TOKYO TDC 2022 Entry Registration
② Get the Entry ID
When entry registration is completed, TDC will issue one Entry ID to one entrant (within one day). We will send your Entry ID to you via email.
③ Upload the digital image of the work
1) Prepare the data. Please refer to here.
Image filename: Use the filename shown below for entry.
“Category No._your Entry ID_Entry No._a” (If there are multiple JPEG files in the same series, add b, c, etc., at the end.)
2) Put all the submitted works in one folder and ZIP them.
3) Log into your Google account.
* If you do not have a Google account, please sign up for a Google account.
* If you cannot sign up, upload data to an available data transmission service or your server and inform the secretariat via email of the URL from which the data can be downloaded.
E-mail : contact@tokyotypedirectorsclub.org
Subject : TOKYO TDC 2022 Works Data “(your) Entry ID”
4) After logging in, enter your Entry ID.
▶︎ TOKYO TDC 2022 Works Data
The Entry ID and email address used for registration are required.
Click “Add a File” and upload and send all your entries.
* If you need to modify your data after completing your upload, re-upload only the modified data. (Use the same filename for both the old and new files.)
* The term “file” here refers to singular JPEG, PDF, etc., (i.e., a “file” as the smallest unit of stored collected data); meaning, the term does not refer to a folder containing multiple files or to a compressed ZIP folder.
Entry format
* “Explanatory material” refers to a video within 30 seconds in length that can be additionally attached in order to show the print texture or to promote understanding regarding a book, etc. (About 50MB). Submission is optional, and no additional entry fee is required.
“Explanatory material (video) ” sample_1
“Explanatory material (video) ” sample_2
Entry fee and Paying entry fees
Entry fee
Submission fee for works submitted by the early submission deadline (23:59 Japan time on September 10)
– JPEG : Single Entry 30 USD (student 20 USD) / Series Entry 70 USD (student 50 USD) < Category 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
– PDF:Series Entry 70 USD (student 50 USD) < Category 3
– Motion LOGO (additional fee):20 USD < Category 4
– Variable fonts (additional fee):20 USD < Category 3
– Web site・Application:Single 30 USD (student 20 USD) < Category 9
– MOV / MP4:Within 3 minutes 30 USD (student 20 USD) / 3 minutes or more 70 USD (student 50 USD) < Category 10, 11
•Adding additional JPEG and PDF images for Series Entry = 30 USD for every 5 images
•If the Explanatory Material’s movie is longer than 30 seconds : under 3 minutes = additional 30 USD / over 3 minutes = additional 70 USD
Submission fee for works submitted by the final deadline (September 11 – October 10, 2021)
– JPEG : Single Entry 50 USD (student 30 USD) / Series Entry 100 USD (student 70 USD) < Category 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
– PDF:Series Entry 100 USD (student 70 USD) < Category 3
– Motion LOGO (additional fee):20 USD < Category 4
– Variable fonts (additional fee):20 USD < Category 3
– Web site・Application:Single 50 USD (student 30 USD) < Category 9
– MOV / MP4:Within 3 minutes 50 USD (student 30 USD) / 3 minutes or more 100 USD (student 70 USD) < Category 10, 11
•Adding additional JPEG and PDF images for Series Entry = 50 USD for every 5 images
•If the Explanatory Material’s movie is longer than 30 seconds : under 3 minutes = additional 50 USD / over 3 minutes = additional 100 USD
•Entry fee calculation examples are provided herein.
Paying entry fees
Calculate the entry fee and pay under the entrant’s name. Enter the entry ID in Add a note.
Entries fees will be collected via PayPal.
Please access the URL below.
1) Enter the sum of entry fees.
2) Login to your PayPal account.
3) Make payment via credit card.
• Deadline for the payment of entry fees:
Deadline for early submission = By September 15, 2021.
Final deadline for submission = By October 15, 2021.
• If you require a receipt:
You can request a receipt by sending us a mail with the entrant’s name, the receipt addressee, and the amount paid. We will send a return mail with the receipt attached.
Contact address: contact@tokyotypedirectorsclub.org
Subject : TOKYO TDC 2022 receipt request
Contact information
Please contact:
1)The entrant name must be the name of the work’s type director. This will also be the name used when awarding prizes. Names cannot be changed after the submitting process, so please ensure the correct name is used when submitting works.
2) The Annual Book will be prepared using submitted digital data. Due to technical and organizational constraints, TDC reserves the right to determine the trimming and cutout of the images requested by the annual book’ s designer without permission from the applicants. TDC will photograph the entry works if need be.
3) The layout of the annual book and Exhibition is done in accordance with the editing format and policy of the TDC annual book and Exhibition. We will not accommodate special requests from entrants.
4) Entrants grant TDC the right to reproduce the images of entries for promotional purposes.
5) Prize winning, prize nominee and excellent works will appear in the Tokyo TDC annual book, the digital archive and presumably in other various media including website. Taking this into consideration, applicants must be responsible for all the conceivable issues of copyright. TDC takes no responsibility for copyright issues.
6)Entrants consent in advance to having their works exhibited at other exhibitions besides those mentioned in the submission requirements.
7)Entrants also consent in advance to having their works published in the TDC Annual Book digital archives.
8) Entries which do not follow the entry guidelines, or which the jury consider inappropriate, or which contravene the rights of others will be disqualified from the competition. TDC reserves the right to disqualify entries based on these conditions even after notification has been made that they are prize winning, prize nominee or excellent works. When doubts about whether a work conflicts with the copyrights of others arise after the annual book is issued, the producer of the controversial work and the corresponding third person are responsible for solving the problem. Tokyo TDC takes no responsibility in such matters.
Q & A
Q. Supposedly my work was selected as an Excellent Work, but what if I am unable to send the actual work to Tokyo for any reasons. What will happen then?
A. We will not withdraw your work. If the actual work cannot be ready for the December’s final judgement, we will display the printed data from your application as an alternative.
Q. Regarding JPEG files, are there any limitations on content amount?
A. We do not set any limitations on content amount for JPEG files (such as only one poster or only one package per JPEG file), but it would be hard to appreciate the work if a JPEG file was excessive in content. Although we do not limit these aspects, please see the example image as mentioned above as a guideline for reference.
Q. What is the difference between a single work and a series of works?
A. For categories 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, it would be a single work if only one image is submitted for one work, while it would be a series of works if two or more images are submitted. For category 3 (Type Design), we accept only a series of works (two to 10 images) because only one PDF file is insufficient for entry.
Q. Can one work be submitted by multiple persons?
A. Yes, it can. Please enter the entrant names as the entrant name (Type Director). However, enter a group name, etc., if four or more persons jointly submit one work.
Q. What should I do if I want to submit 10 or more JPEG images for one entry?
A. If you submit more than 10 images, please add USD 50 to your entry fee for each block of one to five images over 10 images. (For example, if you submit 14 images [i.e., in the block from 11 images to 15], the entry fee would be USD 150; while, therefore, for 21 images the fee would be USD 250, and so forth.)
Q. It’s not possible to limit my explanatory material (for videos) to within 30 seconds. What should I do?
A. If you cannot limit your explanatory material (for video) to within 30 seconds, we will see the explanatory material as part of the work itself. Please add a video entry fee (within three minutes: USD 50; longer than three minutes: USD 100) to your main entry fee.
Q. I want to make more than 10 entries, but the number of columns in the entry registration format (in Google Forms) is insufficient.
A. If the total number of entries is more than 10, please make multiple entry registrations and indicate “2nd registration” or “3rd registration” in the remarks space.
Q. Can I submit a work that I have submitted to another competition?
A. Yes, you can.
Tokyo Type Directors Club Office
*New Address
2F, 2-1-14 Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo 111-0032 JAPAN
Contact to : contact@tokyotypedirectorsclub.org
- 2022 TOKYO TDC ANNUAL AWARDS2022 TOKYO TDC ANNUAL AWARDS 常規報名截止日期: 2021年10月10日。 特等獎 : 獎金JPY200,000; 其他獎項 : 獎金JPY100,000。 參賽資格: TDC 要求提交參賽作品的申請人必須是其作品的設計總監。 作品必須是在截止日期間製作的
- 2021 TOKYO TDC ANNUAL AWARDS2020 TOKYO TDC ANNUAL AWARDS 報名截止日期為2020年10月20日。 參賽資格: 無特別資格限制,惟參賽者需為字體設計者本人。 參加「RGB」及「字體設計Type Design」類別者可繳交兩年內曾公開之作品。 參賽件數:因國外設計師參賽無須繳納報名費用。
- 2020東京 TOKYO TDC 字體設計競賽2020東京 TOKYO TDC 字體設計競賽 東京字體指導俱樂部成立於1987年,一直致力於探求字體視覺表達的可能性。今年的比賽主旨是“文字在視覺表達上的可能性(pursuing the possibilities of visual expression of letters and/or words)”。今年的截止日期是2019年9月28日,比往年提早了一個月。
- 2019 東京 TOKYO TDC 字體設計競賽主辦單位: The Tokyo Type Directors Club, Tokyo, Japan
- 2018 東京 TOKYO TDC 字體設計競賽競賽說明: 日本東京字體指導俱樂部( Tokyo Type Directors Club Annual Awards , 簡稱Tokyo TDC)成立於1987年,迄今已有27...
- 2022 东京字体指导俱乐部TDC奖东京字体指导俱乐部(日文:東京タイプディレクターズクラブ,英文:Tokyo Type Directors Club,简称:Tokyo TDC)成立于1987年,是日本字体研究和图形设计领域具有代表性的非营利组织之一,著名设计师、字体研究专家浅叶克己先生自创建以来一直担任理事长至今。 东京字体指导俱乐部对入会会员要求甚严,迄今为止仅有不到150名会员(包括日本本土和日本海外会员),会员均为在某领域取得杰出成就的专业人士,如著名设计师仲条正义、葛西薫、佐藤可士和、中岛英树、服部一成、Alexander Gelman(美国)、王序(中国)、John Warwicker(英国)等。 https://tokyotypedirectorsclub.org/en/entry/
- 2022 东京字体指导俱乐部TDC奖参赛资格 Award Qualify TDC 要求提交参赛作品的申请人必须是其作品的设计总监 参赛作品必须是在 2020 年 9 月至截止日期之间制作的 如果系列作品的一部分是在参赛期间之外制作的,请说明情况 不接受学生分组报名,学生的所有参赛作品必须单独完成。 奖项设置 Award Setting 奖项: 特等奖:1个 TDC奖6个 字体设计奖1个 书籍设计奖1个 RGB奖:1个(所有类别都有资格获得此奖项) 特别奖(不受奖金限制) : 0 ~ 2 个条目 获奖作品和优秀作品“入围作品”是指入围奖品但未入选获奖作品的作品 “优秀作品”是指除上述之外的入选年鉴的作品 将向参赛者发送结果证明(数字文件) https://tokyotypedirectorsclub.org/en/entry/