響應世界大會主題「智慧與創新」,倡導創會會長星雲大師「感動是最美的世界」,透過鏡頭捕捉感動的瞬間,展現人間佛教的 真善美。

- • 相 機 組:傳統或數位相機拍攝之電子檔案,以3張為限。
- • 手 機 組:手機或平板電腦拍攝之電子檔案,以3張為限。
- o 主題內容50%:作品主題呈現及切題性。
- o 創意美感30%:作品構圖之表現及手法。
- o 攝影技巧20%:作品色彩、採光等技巧表現。
優選作品將送往參加佛光山“佛光之美”攝影比賽。獲獎作品將於「2023 年 10 月世界會員代表大會」頒發獎金 100 ~ 200 美金不等及獎狀乙張,以茲獎勵。
2023 年5 月 16日
作品著作權與讓與同意書聲明書 下載鏈接如下
(一) 須為本人作品
1. 參賽者須擁有該作品之完整著作權,且不侵犯肖像權,亦不可假冒他人名義參賽。
2. 參賽作品為非參加其他比賽曾獲獎之作品或曾公開展出之作品,若有第三人對得獎作品提出異議,並經主辦單位查明屬實者,除取消得獎資格(獎位不予遞補)並追繳回獎金外,其違反著作權等相關法律責任,由參賽人自行負責,概與主辦單位無關。
(二) 有效作品
1. 須報名截止日三年內(2021.06~2023.05)拍攝之作品,方可列入評審。
2. 每件作品皆須載明「作品理念」,且作品不得傳達虛假或誤導的印象。
3. 每件參賽作品數位檔案之儲存規定,應註明:「作者姓名-編號.作品名稱」(例:王小明-01.佛光寶寶),並與報名表上所填資料相符。
4. 相機組規範
5. 手機組規範
(1)任何手機或平板,包括iPhone、iPad、iPod touch,安卓手機及平板電腦,Windows手機,拍攝的照片均可參賽。
- 報名時,請將基本資料、參賽作品、作品著作權讓與同意書(參見附件),同時一併上傳繳給主辦單位。
- 如若基本資料填寫不完整、缺件、未符以上格式者,將不另行通知,不 符規定者均視同放棄參賽。
- 本會同意得獎人以複製方式保留得獎作品。
- 參賽者視為認同並接受本簡章之各項規定。
- 本簡章辦法未盡事宜,主辦單位得隨時解釋、修正之,保留活動辦法修改之權利。若有任何更動,皆以活動網站公告為準,恕不另行通知。
- 聲明事項:得獎者同意將得獎作品之完整著作權讓與國際佛光會所有,得獎者同意不行使著作人格權。同時,國際佛光會擁有在任何地點展 出,及以任何方式、轉授權第三者使用之權利,以上所述均為永續無償使用,得獎人不得撤銷此項授權。
國際佛光會雪梨協會02-9893 9390
「佛光之美攝影作品征集活動」信箱 fgsibaaphoto@gmail.com
1. Objective:
In response to BLIA General Conference theme, “Wisdom and Innovation” to advocate Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s concept, “being touched is the most beautiful world,” and to exhibit Humanistic Buddhism’s truth, kindness, and beauty through the camera lens.
2. Eligibility:
All who enjoy photography are welcome to participate regardless of age and nationality.
3. Category:
(1) Camera: Electronic files taken by traditional or digital cameras, with a limit of 3 entries.
(2) Mobile phone: Electronic files taken by mobile phones or tablets, with a limit of entries.
4. Photography theme:
“Being touched is the most beautiful world,” focusing on BLIA activities or members
5. Evaluation criteria:
(1) Main theme content 50%: presentation and relevance of main theme
(2) Creativity and aesthetics 30%: picture composition expression and technique
(3) Photography skills 20%: color, lighting, and other skills in expression
6. Awards:
All participants will receive a certificate of participation.
Selected entries will be sent to Fo Guang Shan to enter the 2023 Beauty of Buddha’s Light Photo Contest. Each winner will be awarded US$100 – US$200 and a recognition certificate to be presented at the 2023 BLIA General Conference in October.
7. Closing Date:
16 May 2023
8. Registration Steps:
Dowloadable link for copyright transfer agreement/non-violation of copyright and portraiture right agreement.
9. Entry specifications:
(1) All entries must be contestant’s own creation
A. The contestant must own full copyrights of the artwork, do not violate portraiture rights, and participation with the name of another person is prohibited.
B. The photo entry must not be a winning entry that had participated in other photo contests or an entry that had been previously exhibited. If a third party disputes the winning work and the organizer confirms the dispute is true, the contestant is disqualified, the placing is not supplemented, and the reward is confiscated. It is the sole responsibility of the contestant; the organizer is not responsible for the violation of copyright or other related legal liabilities.
(2) Valid entries
1) All submitted photo entries must be taken within 3 years (June 2021 ~ May 2023).
2) Every entry must specify “notion of creation” and the entry should not convey false or misleading impressions.
3) Every entry’s digital file should be saved in the following format: author name-serial number-name of entry (Example: Wang Xiaoming-01.Buddha’s Light Babies). The entry details should tally with the details provided on registration form.
4) Camera category requirements
i) Entries taken using traditional or digital camera.
ii) After the image file is compressed, the file size must be less than 5MB in JPEG format. The image size must be 8 million pixels (2400*3600 width and height, 300 dpi).
iii) The work must be completed in one shot. Only brightness, contrast, color saturation, sharpness, and color shift corrections can be adjusted. Continuous operation, plagiarism, decoration, additive color, heavy exposure, modification, grid placement, and synthesis (including increasing or decreasing the elements of the original image), etc. will not be accepted.
iv) Every entry must also submit RAW file at the same time for inspection.
5) Mobile phone category requirements
i) Works taken with mobile phone or tablet, including iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Android mobile phone and tablet, and Windows mobile phone.
ii) It is permissible to use the APP on the mobile device to edit the basic necessary images. Only brightness, contrast, color saturation, sharpness, and color shift corrections can be adjusted. Continuous operation, plagiarism, decoration, additive color, heavy exposure, modification, grid placement, and synthesis, including increasing or decreasing the elements of the original image, etc. will not be accepted.
iii) Other special effects or synthesis using PC are prohibited. iv) Do not over-compress the picture. The image size must be more than 10 megapixels (10 million pixels).
★ All entries should comply with the contest theme and entry specifications mentioned above, otherwise the entry will not be accepted.
10. Evaluation:
The organizer is to appoint a judging committee to evaluate the entries.
11. Please note the following:
(1) When registering, please submit your basic information, photo entry and copyrights transfer agreement and non-violation of copyright and portraiture right agreement (refer to P.4) to the organizer.
(2) If there are any missing information or non-compliance with the format of submission, the participant will not be notified. Non-compliant participants will be regarded as giving up their opportunity to participate in the contest.
(3) BLIA agrees for winners to retain their winning entries in duplicates.
(4) Contestants are deemed to agree with the provisions listed in the General Regulations.
(5) These General Regulations may be amended by the organizer any time as the organizer reserves the right to make amendments. Should there be any amendments made, notifications will be posted on the BLIA website, separate notifications will not be issued to participants.
(6) The full copyrights of the winning entries will be owned by BLIA. BLIA will have the right to display at any location, to use it in any form, and to authorize the use by third parties. All the above is for free use without compensation. The winner cannot revoke this authorization.
12. Contacts:
- BLIA Sydney Chapter 02-9893 9390
- Beauty of Buddha’s Light Photo Event Email: fgsibaaphoto@gmail.com
- 2025「共生與共榮」佛光之美攝影比賽2025「共生與共榮」佛光之美攝影比賽 報名日期: 2025年1月1日至6月30日截止 獎勵辦法: 凡作品入選者,將於「2025年世界會員代表大會」頒發獎金50~200美金不等及獎狀乙張,以茲獎勵 參賽資格: 不限年齡、國籍,凡愛好攝影人士均歡迎參加 參賽組別: 相機組、手機組
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- 2023「感動是最美的世界」佛光之美攝影比賽2023「感動是最美的世界」佛光之美攝影比賽 報名日期: 2023年1月1日至5月31日截止。 凡作品入選者,頒發獎金100~200美金不等及獎狀乙張,以茲獎勵。 參賽組別: 相機組:傳統或數位相機拍攝之電子檔案,以3張為限。 手機組:手機或平板電腦拍攝之電子檔案,以3張為限。
- 2021佛光之美「信仰與傳承」攝影比賽2021佛光之美「信仰與傳承」攝影比賽 截止日期:即日起,至2021年6月30日截止收件。 獎勵辦法:凡作品入選者,將於「2021年十月世界會員代表大會」頒發獎金100 ~ 300美金不等及獎狀乙張,以茲獎勵。 拍攝時限:2018年06月01日至2021年05月31日拍攝者為限。