- 畫稿尺寸為 A3(29.7 x 42cm)、直式
- 請用一至三頁描繪一則故事,需附標題,黑白或彩色不拘,數位輸出稿亦視為原稿參賽。
- 標題與對白文字請用法文書寫,也可以沒有文字或對話(無對白漫畫)。
- 每張畫稿背後請標註以下個人資料:護照上姓名羅馬拼音、地址英文寫法、聯絡電話(台灣國碼+886)與個人電子信箱。
- 可多人合作完成一件作品,請在畫稿背後註明每位參與者各別負責的工作。
※建議相關法文字彙:編劇 scénariste、男性繪者 dessinateur/女性繪者dessinatrice、上色師 coloriste(單字分為男性女性繪者是因為法文有陰性陽性之分)
- 請附上個人作品集(個人作品或漫畫製作中的草稿、影本…等)
- 形式為集結成冊或散裝皆可,並請附上個人簡歷列表、簡要自傳,主辦單位表示必須用法文書寫。
- 參賽表格,需要列印填寫後跟作品一起寄出(2023年新規定)
9eArt+ / Festival international de la Bande dessinée
Prix “Jeunes Talents”
71 rue Hergé
- 將選出20名新秀獎入圍者,而這20件作品將在安古蘭漫畫節期間公開展示,並將結集成冊。
- 前3名將獲邀參加2022年安古蘭漫畫節,期間住宿與法國境內火車票將免費。
- 首獎將獲頒安古蘭正式獎項中的「安古蘭新秀獎」與獎金1,500歐元,二獎獲頒1,000歐元,三獎得主則獲頒500歐元。獎金將在2023年6月30日前匯到得主帳戶。其他17位入圍者將獲贈安古蘭漫畫節四日通行證。
※ 新秀獎前3名及地區首獎作品之原稿將歸屬主辦單位,其他16件作品將寄還給原作者。
※ 往年安古蘭新秀獎入圍者照慣例即能成為安古蘭台灣館參展團一員,獲邀赴法參展。自上一屆新秀獎開始,官方規定改成只有前3名才能參展。
甄選結果最晚2022年12月27日於 安古蘭漫畫節 Festival International de la Bande Dessinée d’Angoulême官網揭曉。
(via : Ulysse亂彈:歐洲動漫/風景Taiwan Note BDimages)
50th Angoulême International Comics Festival – 26-29 January 2023
Art.1: The limited liability company 9e Art+ (capital of 10,000 euros, headquartered at 71 rue Hergé, 16000 Angoulême, France), is the organizer of the Angoulême International Comics Festival and is registered with the Angoulême Trade and Companies Register (French RCS) under number B 499 371 433. In addition, 9e Art+ is the organizer of an international contest entitled ‘Concours Jeunes Talents’ (Young Talents Contest) starting on 15 June 2022. Applications must be sent by 9 November 2022 and postmarked on or before that date.
Art.2: The aforementioned contest is free and open to cartoonists and comic book creators aged 17 and over who have never been professionally published. The ‘Jeunes Talents’ Prize winners from previous years are not allowed to take part in the contest (excluding winners of the ‘Prix Jeune Talent Région’).
Art.3: As specified below, all participants must send a comic strip presenting a complete story including a title, written in French or wordless, in one, two, or three original comic strip pages maximum (printouts are considered original material), in black-and-white or in color. All themes, styles, and genres are allowed, provided they are compliant with public order and ethics. Only one work can be submitted per participant.
Art.4: The size of the paper support must be A3 (29.7 x 42 cm), French style (vertical format). The participant’s last name, first name, postal address, telephone number, and e-mail address must be specified on the back of each comic strip page. The comic strip pages must be sent along with a curriculum vitae, a biography (500 characters maximum). If they so desire, applicants may also send photocopies of previous works (personal and preparatory work, sketches, research, etc.). Several participants may enter the contest together on a same project. In this case, the name and work of each participant must be specified on the back of the comic strip pages (scriptwriter, cartoonist, colorist).
All documents must be sent in a at package (not rolled up), by post only and no later than 9 November 2022. Any other contest entry method shall be deemed null and void.
Each participant’s work must be sent along with the duly filled-in participation form, downloadable for free on the Festival’s ‘young talents contest’ website page (at bdangouleme.com).
Shipments and participation forms are to be made to the following address:
9e ART + / Festival International de la Bande Dessinée d’Angoulême ”Concours Jeunes Talents”
71, rue Hergé
Art.5: Receipt of the works will not be acknowledged and no letter relating to the contest will be answered.
Art.6: A Jury of Comic Strip Professionals will select the 20 best comic strips according to the quality and originality of the script and drawings. The 20 selected comic strips will be showcased as part of an exhibition entitled ‘Jeunes Talents’ and will be featured in a catalogue displaying the selected comic strip pages. The Jury shall select three winners, the best one of whom will be awarded the ‘Prix Jeune Talent’, one of the Angoulême International Comics Festival’s official prizes. The three winners will be invited to Angoulême from Thursday 26 to Sunday 29 January 2023 (accommodation and transport – on the basis of a second-class SNCF train ticket from the station closest to the selected candidates’ place of residence – shall be financed by 9e Art+, without any monetary requirement on the part of the selected candidates other than living expenses). The other seventeen selected participants shall each be given a 4-day pass to the Festival. In addition, another selected participant will be awarded the ‘Prix Jeune Talent Région’; this winner will be selected by the same Jury, and according to the same criteria, among the selected participants residing in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region. The names of the selected participants shall be announced no later than 27 December 2022 on the Festival’s website, www.bdangouleme.com.
Art.7: The prizes awarded within the scope of the contest will be as follows: a €1,500 grant to the ‘Prix Jeune Talent’ grand winner, a €1,000 grant to the first runner-up winner, and a €500 grant to the second runner-up winner. The grants will be paid before 30 June 2023 by the company 9e Art+.
Art.8: In its capacity as Contest Partner, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region will award a €1,500 grant to the winner of the ‘Prix Jeune Talent Région’ (provided he or she resides in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region).
Art.9: In the event that they are selected, the participants hereby authorize the company 9e Art+ to publish and represent their submitted works as part of catalogues and collections, on the Internet, and in exhibitions. In any event, the company 9e Art+ may only subsequently use the works (publications, etc.) entered in the contest by the participants by virtue of an authorization to distribute and use said works in due form delimiting the rights and obligations of each party, in particular with regard to remuneration and the scope of the transfer of the property rights, and in compliance with the authors’ moral rights.
Art. 10: The comic strip pages of the four prizewinners shall become the property of the company 9e Art+ in accordance with the applicable copyright regulations.
The comic strip pages submitted by the other selected participants shall be sent back to them (at the address specified upon submission) by the company 9e Art+ in the course of 2023 or, in the event of a travelling exhibition of the aforementioned comic strip pages, as soon as possible after the end of the said exhibition.
All non-selected comic strip pages shall be sent back in the course of 2023 to the address mentioned upon submission. The organizer shall not be held responsible for any loss, damage, and/or theft of the comic strip pages.
Art. 11: 9e Art+ reserves the right to shorten, extend, modify, and/or cancel the contest if circumstances so require or in the case of force majeure. It shall not be held liable in such events.
Art. 12: The present Rules and Regulations are filed with court bailiff SCP ZERDOUN & DEENEN-LAURAIN, 16 rue de la Tourgarnier – 16000 ANGOULEME. The Rules and Regulations may be amended at any time in the form of an amendment by the organizer.
The Rules and Regulations are available free of charge upon written request sent to: 9e
Art+/Festival International de la Bande Dessinée d’Angoulême ‘Concours Jeunes Talents’, 71 rue Hergé 16000 ANGOULEME, or on www.bdangouleme.com.
Art. 13: The simple fact of participating in the contest implies acceptance, without reserve, of the present Rules and Regulations in their entirety. Any inaccurate or misleading statement and/or any fraud shall result in the participant’s immediate disqualification.
Art. 14: All participants are subject to the French Law applicable to games and contests. Any dispute that cannot be settled amicably shall be referred to the competent courts designated under the French Code of Civil Procedure.
Art. 15: Any personal information collected in the context of the contest shall be processed in accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978. In application of the aforementioned Act, all contest participants have the right to access and rectify their personal data.
Art. 16: In accordance with the laws that govern literary and artistic property rights, any reproduction and/or representation of all or part of the elements of this contest is strictly prohibited. All brands mentioned are the registered trademarks of their respective owners.

75009 PARIS
PHONE: +33 (0)5 45 97 86 50
PHONE: +33 (0)5 45 97 86 50
75020 PARIS
SYLVIE CHABROUX – +33 (0)6 64 25 48 42FANNY
VERGNES – +33 (0)6 70 98 45 39
法國安古蘭國際漫畫節 Angoulême International Comics Festival相關競賽:
- 2023法國安古蘭國際漫畫節:新秀獎2023法國安古蘭國際漫畫節:新秀獎 截止日期:2022年11月3日。 首獎將獲頒安古蘭正式獎項中的「安古蘭新秀獎」與獎金 1,500 歐元,二獎獲頒 1,000 歐元,三獎得主則獲頒 500 歐元。 請用一至三頁描繪一則故事,需附標題,黑白或彩色不拘,數位輸出稿亦視為原稿參賽。
- 2023法國安古蘭國際漫畫節:數位漫畫競賽2023法國安古蘭國際漫畫節:數位漫畫競賽 活動時間: 2021年6月15日~11月9日法國時間午夜12點止。 決選階段: 將從十強中選出前三名。首獎:500歐元、二獎:300歐元、三獎:100歐元。 以3-9個圖樣構成作品,可使用照片、影片、gif檔或沒有版權爭議的聲音檔。
- 2018法國安古蘭國際漫畫節新秀獎比賽安古蘭漫畫節數位競賽今年調整規則,除了法文或無文字作品外,也可用英文作品參賽。前三名獎金與獎品也大幅加碼。 歡迎各方有志之士把握安古蘭新秀獎與數位漫畫競賽這兩項優質競賽,也許您...
- 2023 法國安古蘭國際漫畫節「新秀獎」競賽資訊 漫畫節官方徵件日期:2022 年 6 月 8 日(三)至 2022 年 11 月 3 日(四)。 臺灣館代寄收件日期:2022 年 10 月 5 日(三)至 2022 年 10 月 19 日(三)。 【代寄辦法詳見下文】 參賽辦法公告網址: https://www.bdangouleme.com/concours-jeunes-talents-edition-2023 參賽資格 不限國籍須年滿 17 歲。 從未在出版社出版過個人漫畫作品。 不限個人,可團體創作參賽。 每組參賽者只能報名「一件」作品。 歷年新秀獎得主不得參賽。 作品規格 作品須為一篇含有「標題」的完整故事,台詞須以「法文」書寫(或無台詞)。 https://taicca.tw/article/ce34d9fe
- 法國安古蘭國際漫畫節:2023年度新秀獎,徵件辦法參賽資格 年紀至少17歲,從未在出版社名下出版漫畫個人作品者均可參加,不限國籍。 ※先前已獲安古蘭新秀獎首獎者不得參賽 競賽主題 不拘,但主辦單位也說明不會考慮內容傷風敗俗的作品。 截止日期 2022年11月3日 ※國際郵件需要的寄件時間較久,建議提早將參賽作品寄出。 ※文策院表示將提供代寄件服務,最新資訊請參考文策院網站。 作品規格 畫稿尺寸為 A3(29.7 x 42cm)、直式 請用一至三頁描繪一則故事,需附標題,黑白或彩色不拘,數位輸出稿亦視為原稿參賽。 標題與對白文字請用法文書寫,也可以沒有文字或對話(無對白漫畫)。 每張畫稿背後請標註以下個人資料:護照上姓名羅馬拼音、地址英文寫法、聯絡電話(台灣國碼+886)與個人電子信箱。 https://www.bdangouleme.com/concours-jeunes-talents-edition-2023