36th International Short Film Festival Berlin 2020
每年都有超過5,000部在30分鐘以內的短片參賽,每個主題都平均有400部短片。在為期6天的影展期間,將放映超過400部短片及影片,預計有100部入圍片會共同角逐競賽獎項,總獎金高達4萬歐元( 約6萬美元 )。此外,影展期間會播放歷史性節目、動畫片、實驗短片、音樂短片、廣告、紀錄片與電腦動畫,也將提供影片市集,並舉辦相關主題的研討會、座談會與派對。
8€( 歐元 )。
1. International Competition 國際競賽
2. Confrontations Competition 對抗競賽
3. Documentary Competition 紀錄片
4. German Competition 德國競賽
5. Green Film Competition 環保短片
6. Eject XVIII
7. Online Competition 線上競賽
( KUKI影展為:2020年5月26日 )
interfilm Berlin
Strassburger Str. 55
10405 Berlin
電話:+49 ( 0 )30 – 25 29 13 20
傳真:+49 ( 0 )30 – 693 29 59
*請透過 www.shortfilmdepot.com 線上報名/繳交作品檔案或將報名表及作品DVD寄至interfilm Berlin, 35th Festival, Straßburger Str. 55, 10405 Berlin, Germany
*上傳至Shortfilmdepot的作品需附上1-2張的影片截圖( JPEG或TIFF檔,300 dpi以上 )丶一張導演照片以及自傳、可供聯絡的E-mail地址
*參賽申請表以及作品影片檔( MPEG-4 )或DVD( PAL / NTSC ),必須在2020年6月14日之前送達柏林的interfilm辦公室
*來自非歐盟國家的包裹皆須於海關聲明書上標明 “For cultural purpose only. No commercial value”( 純文化用途,無商業價值 ),此外亦須附上聲明寄送內容不超過10歐元的收據。
*入選者需於影展開始前21天( 2020年10月19日 )前將放映檔案送達主辦方手上
36th International Short Film Festival Berlin 2020
0 – 15 November 2020
Submit films up to 20 minutes – all genres.
Submit from 1 February to 14 June 2020
We’d love you to take advantage of the elegant service provided by Shortfilmdepot
Read the regulations ( PDF )
Despite the uncertainty of the current situation, we have in correspondence with our funding bodies and sponsors decided that our festival will definitely still take place this November. Although we don’t know what the exact form interfilm / KUKI will take in 2020, we do know that it will be an inspiring festival with competition & special programs, awards, juries and lots of incredible short films, just like you’re used to.
We know, of course, that for many filmmakers submitting a film, certain questions are particularly urgent at the moment, as they are related to the further exploitation of the film or future funding:
In the event that the festival will be held online, the following points apply:
- The program will be behind a paywall. Access to films can be restricted via geo-blocking in consultation with the filmmakers. Both factors are relevant for eligibility to the Oscar submissions list.
- We intend to extend the festival period to 3-4 weeks.
- German productions will still collect FFA points when selected for our festival competitions.
- Our awards for “Best Live Action” and “Best Animation” remain Oscar qualifying.
- In case of a digital festival, we still intend to hold Q&As with filmmakers.
We will update our position on further questions relating to a possible online festival in due course. These include the frequency of repeat screenings or the duration of the program’s availability to users.
If a film is selected for an online version of the festival, an invitation email outlining the exact procedures will be sent. If there are any concerns or if the guidelines have changed, filmmakers are entitled to withdraw their film.
After a successful 35th festival edition in 2019 with more than 23,000 people attending, we are now looking forward to submissions for the next interfilm Festival in November. We expect to view over 6000 film entries again in 2020, of which more than 400 will be selected and curated for numerous competitions and special programs, invited and presented to excited audiences at our cinemas and venues. We are looking forward to a rich spectrum of narrative excellence and critical voices as much as curiosities from all over the globe. For 6 festival days in 7 competitions and various special and focus programs, we will celebrate the contemporary short film in all its facets.
… now with entry fee of 8 Euro
For years we have been pondering the need to charge submission fees. Once, the sending of DVDs to festivals was cost-intensive for the submitter, but since the electronic transfer of viewing files etc. the administrative work for festivals has increased. Although interfilm always succeeds in putting together a great and rather epic festival ( all over Berlin ), despite all the jubilation, it is often not known that interfilm, with all due thanks to our sponsors Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg and Media Creative Europe, is not in the best of positions in terms of funding, especially in comparison to other major German and international ( short ) film festivals. We do our best in terms of service, programming, accommodation, etc., but this quality is also due in no small part to our staff, which we are hardly able to pay adequately. At the moment they are paid on the basis of the legal minimum wage. However, this cannot provide them with a livelihood in the long term.
Viewing 6000 short films every year is an immense challenge. It is accomplished by competent teams of colleagues that use a database grading system. Commenting on the films is a process that keeps us entertained throughout the summer, until the respective curators select the definitive favourites in the autumn. The processes between previewing and programming are different for each festival and become more complex every year. It is precisely these internal processes of professional programming that we want to invest in through the submission fee of 8 euros per submitted film. We strive to pay our reviewers appropriately, and by investing in new staff we want to ensure the quality of the submission and reviewing processes as well as the festival in the long term.
Furthermore, we also want to pay a screening fee of 50 euros per film for those that are not screened in competitions in which prizes can be won, but in special programs. It goes without saying that this amount cannot by any means reflect the effort involved in making a film. Nevertheless, this regulation is intended to contribute towards creating fairness, because films represented by agencies or distributors already demand such fees. From 2020, all films will receive the same remuneration. It should be clear that many smaller festivals are not in a position to pay such screening fees due to their financial situation and we hope that filmmakers will continue to submit films to festivals that are unable to provide such remuneration.
The situation is as precarious for festivals as it is for filmmakers and it is up to policymakers to address these problems.
Of course we cannot state with any certainty how many submissions we will receive in 2020, but we intend to divide the income from submission fees as follows:
1/3: Viewing
One third of the income is to finance our team of viewers, who each have the task of evaluating between 500 to 1000 films in the pre-selection stage. Each film will be screened by at least 2 people independently of one other in order to obtain different perspectives for each submission.
1/3: Curation, Coordination, Infrastructure
The second third of the proceeds will finance the further processing of the films. After the preview phase, the films need to be curated in programs. The films that have been positively evaluated by the viewing team will be watched again and considered for a relevant section. Furthermore, the coordination of this process as well as its underlying infrastructure ( database, server, etc. ) must also be financed and maintained.
1/3: Screening fees
As described above, films running in a non-competitive program will be paid 50 euros for each program for which they are selected. We assume that this will consume another third of the income.
We believe that these measures are fair and justifiable. Financing them through submission fees is certainly not ideal and is our last option. Regrettably, we have no other choice at present. We are constantly looking for new funding sources and ways in which to expand our existing funding. We hope that this kind of partial financing through submission fees can be repealed in the near future.
Submitting filmmakers may want to consider whether their film fits the KUKI profile. interfilm likes good films. That’s relative of course. But we cannot and do not want to specify our criteria, because we are generally open to everything the short form has to offer. Not only do we love films produced to a high standard with an international flair for success, but also those that are courageous in style and content.
Go for it!
The submission fee is not complicated: Simply register with Shortfilmdepot, invest in the success of the film and wait for our feedback. In over 35 years of interfilm, we have seen countless great films and brought them to the screens of ( not only ) this city. We eagerly await many more!
We are looking forward to the 36th edition of the interfilm Festival from 10 to 15 November 2020!
Questions? – Contact us via submissions@interfilm.de
Festival profile
The festival program: 7 competitions are planned: International Competition, Confrontations Competition, Documentary Competition, German Competition, Green Film Competition, Eject XVIII and Online Competition.
Also: interfilm is an oscar-qualifying festival!
Since 2018, the winners of Best Live Action and Best Animation Award in the International Competition will be eligible for consideration in the Live Action Short Film and Animated Short category of the Academy Awards® without the standard theatrical run, provided the film otherwise complies with the Academy rules.
德國柏林短片影展 International Short Film Festival Berlin相關競賽:
- 36th International Short Film Festival Berlin 202036th International Short Film Festival Berlin 2020 收件截止日期:2020年6月14日。 德國柏林短片影展從1982年開始,德國柏林短片影展就確立了其自身在歐洲電影節中重要的地位,是目前歐洲最重要的短片影展之一,因為它是繼Oberhausen之後歷史最悠久的德國短片影展。
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- 德國柏林短片影展主辦單位: Interfilm Berlin, Germany 競賽說明: 德國柏林短片影展從1982年開始,德國柏林短片影展就確立了其自身在歐洲電影節中重要的地位,是目前歐洲...