BraunPrize 2018

BraunPrize 2018

 總獎金: 75000(USD)

最高獎金: 15000(USD)

報名時間: 2017-09-01 ~ 2018-03-20

When the BraunPrize was established in 1968, it was Germany’s first international competition with the aim to promote the importance of industrial design and the work of young designers. Braun’s continuous commitment to this cause has been highly regarded by the design world and the design-aware public ever since. The objective of the BraunPrize today is to promote the work of young and established designers from all over the world, to value the work of design schools, design teams and individuals, and to help develop a greater appreciation of those factors and criteria which enable good product design. Furthermore, it serves to make the ingenuity and creativity of designers accessible to the public and to provide a link between designers and industry or potential clients. In sponsoring the BraunPrize, Braun seeks to highlight the important role of industrial design in improving people´s quality of life and finding solutions for the problems we are facing around the world – design for the what matters.

Open for:

Education, Students and Young Talents


20th Sep, 2017 – 20th Mar, 2018

Prize Money:



Free of charge

The BraunPrize 2018 challenges creative minds to envision design concepts that matter. Our world is becoming increasingly complex – our focus should be on what is essential, on creating truly better solutions and experiences. By taking on global problems or simply improving the quality of individual lives, we want to encourage innovation that can be virtual or physical, scientific or technical, or that changes our behavior for the better. Awards will go to exceptional ideas and product design concepts – 2 or 3 dimensional, including interactive – that offer progress and improvement, that are significant, substantial, and meaningful: design for what matters.

Prizes 2018

The total prize money for both categories is $75,000 USD. In addition to the cash prizes, all award winners will receive a trophy and a certificate.The best entries will also be presented in the BraunPrize exhibition and made public in the international press and online.

  • Gold Award Student and Young Talent
    2x $15,000 USD
  • Silver Award Student and Young Talent
    2x $10,000 USD
  • Bronze Award Student and Young Talent
    2x $5,000 USD
  • Sustainability Award Student and Young Talent
    2x $5,000 USD
  • Special mentions (distribution at the discretion of the jury)
    $5,000 USD
  • Internship
    Chance of an internship at the Braun Design department



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