

 總獎金: 700(CNY)

最高獎金: 350(CNY)

報名時間: 即日起 ~ 2021-03-21

主辦單位: 馬來西亞駐華大使館教育處





When we talk about MSAC,

what is the first impression that

comes to your mind?

The student association? Studying in China?

A fresh experience?

If you have some images flashing through your mind at the moment, do make sure to write them down, because your creative and inspirational works may win you a large prize

and your created symbol will be featured in our upcoming events!


If you’re already excited, check out the details!

活動對象 Target Audience


All Malaysian students studying in China

參賽形式 Entry Form


1 to 3 people a group

活動目的 Objectives

作為一個面向全體旅華大馬學子的同學會,MSAC始終保守初心,努力將更多精彩的活動與資訊帶給大家。如今,為了實現更為有效的宣傳與推廣,並促進所有會員之間的關係,MSAC決定舉行吉祥物設計比賽,徵收符合要求的設計作品來用作 MSAC 的吉祥物,以備將來宣傳之用。同時,這些設計作品也將成為MSAC的形象標誌之一,將來用於生產相關文化和創意的周邊產品並公開出售等等。

As a student association for all Malaysian students in China, MSAC has always been committed to bring more exciting activities and information to you. To strengthen the bond among members and gain more publicity, we have decided to hold a mascot design competition to search for the mascot design that will represent MSAC. The newly designed mascot will serve as MSAC’s ambassador to promote and grow MSAC’s recognisability. The chosen mascot design will be used for publication, merchandising purposes and more.



Dear editor, what is the general concept of a



Mascots are also known as “moe” objects in popular Internet buzzwords. They are brand images with auspicious meanings and also a visual form that evokes the most common memories of the people. These includes the Ronald McDonald that we seen in daily lives, Rimau in the Southeast Asian Games and also Fuwa in the 2008 Summer Olympic Games held in Beijing.

活動流程 Event Schedule

報名日期 Registration Date


March 1st ,2021

截止日期 Registration Deadline

2021年3月21日 | 晚上12時


March 21st ,2021 | 12:00 am

Any late submissions will not be accepted

評選日期 Selection Date


March 22nd to 24th ,2021

公佈日期 Announcement Date


March 25th ,2021

獎金設置與評委陣容 Introduction to the Prize Setting and the Juries

本次比賽的結果將由EMB( Education Malaysia Beijing,馬來西亞駐華大使館教育處 )代表、MSAC顧問及MSAC理事會與執委團共同投票選出,得獎名單將於3月25日公佈。本次活動共有5份獎品等待領取。它們分別為:

The results of the competition will be voted by the EMB ( Education Malaysia Beijing, Education Section of the Embassy of Malaysia in China ), the advisor of MSAC, the excecutive committee of MSAC and the board of council, while the winners list will be announced on 25th March. There are five prizes for grabs, which are:

一等獎( 一份 )


First Prize ( 1 px )

RMB 350 with certificate

二等獎( 一份 )


Second Prize ( 1 px )

RMB 170 with certificate

三等獎( 一份 )


Third Prize ( 1 px )

RMB 80 with certificate

安慰獎( 兩份 )


Consolation Prize ( 2 px )

RMB 50 respectively

with certificate

作品要求 Work Requirements



1.The theme is not restricted, but every contestant should at least design one male and one female version of their respective mascot, while there must not more than 5 of them.

2.Each mascot must be from the same series, with both primary and secondary colours clearly displayed.

格式與軟件規定 Format and Software Specifications

1.每組/位參賽者必須以 PNG 格式,提交正面、背面和側面的三視圖( 800mm X 600mm 豎式幅面,300dpi 分辨率,大小不超過 5M )。

2.本會推薦使用設計專用的軟件,例如Adobe Photoshop和Adobe Illustrator。每組參賽者也務必保留原圖源文件或矢量文件,以利於系列產品的製作。

1.Contestants must submit the front, back and side view for their respective work in PNG format ( 800mm X 600mm vertical format, 300dpi resolution, size not exceeding 5M ).

2.We recommend dedicated software for design, such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. Each contestant should also keep the original image source file or vector file in order to facilitate the production of the series.

提交需求 Submission Requirements

1.每組/位參賽者提交的內容需包括主題、角色名稱、100 字以內的簡介、全體作者姓名以及報名截圖。( 請告訴我們角色的非凡故事! ) 。


1.The content submitted by the contestants should include the name of the theme and characters, and a description within 100 words, the full names of all the team members and the screenshot of their registration. ( Please tell us remarkable stories of the characters! )

2.Contestants can only submit a piece of work, and no modification can be done after sending it via email to The email subject should be 【吉祥物設計作品投稿+Name of the Team Leader】

其他注意事項 Other Details

1. 每組/位參賽者必須填寫報名問卷並截圖證明。

2.務必根據提交需求把設計作品上傳到 MSAC 官方電子郵箱,提交後方可視為報名成功。

1.Contestants must fill in the registration questionnaire and hand in the screenshot as proof.

2.Contestants must go accordingly with the instructions of the submission method to upload their work to the official email address of MSAC, then it will be counted as successful registration.


Specifications about using

MSAC Emblem

1.MSAC會徽可自行下載使用。 ( 後台回覆”MSAC會徽”領取 )

MSAC emblem can be downloaded manually. ( In order to collect the emblem, please reply “MSAC Emblem” in our official Wechat platform. )

2. MSAC會徽作為標誌使用需遵守以下準則:

To use MSAC emblem as a LOGO in your design, these following guidelines should be subjected:


Contestants are not allow to change the shape, color or make any form of modifications to the emblem. Any operation to increase or reduce the size of MSAC emblem should not damage its completeness.


MSAC emblem could only be used in this competition, and not for other purposes like commercial advertising, trademark making and other commercial activities.

其他聲明 Disclaimer

1.每組/位參賽者可自行選擇是否在作品上加入 MSAC 會徽元素,但不可對其作出任何刪改,並且僅限於比賽使用,不得用於任何商業用途。

Contestants can choose whether or not to add the MSAC emblem to his/her design, but no modification can be made to it. The emblem could only be used in the competition and not for other commercial purpose.

2.設計作品不可抄襲社交平台已發佈的圖,不得出現任何參賽者相關信息( 包括簽名 ),不得加 LOGO、水印、修飾性邊框,不涉及暴力、血腥、色情以及與國家相牴觸之內容,否則取消參賽資格。

Contestants should not copy other works that were published on the social media, no information about the contestants may appear on your work ( including signatures ), no LOGO, watermarks, decorative borders, does not include any violence, gore, sexual and political contents, otherwise your work will be disqualified.

3.凡已在其他比賽用作參賽作品的設計,不得參加此次活動; 每組/位參賽者必須確保該提交設計作品為原創設計,未侵犯他人任何專利、著作權、商標以及其他知識產權。

Any design that has been used as an entry in other competitions is not allowed to be reused in this competition. Each contestant must ensure that the submitted design is original and does not infringe any patents, copyrights, trademarks and other intellectual property rights.


Once the shortlisted and winning designs are found to have plagiarism or any other infringements, the organizer will cancel their participation, shortlisting and award qualification, and the withdrawal of the relevant awards. Any relevant legal disputes arising from this will therefore be borne by the contestants.

5.最終獲勝作品將用作 MSAC 的吉祥物,為 MSAC 進行後期的宣傳用途。MSAC 保留使用、修改獲勝作品的最終權利,並用於生產相關文化和創意的周邊產品。

The winning work will be used as the official mascot of MSAC, and MSAC reserves the final right to modify the winning artwork for subsequent promotional purposes and to produce related cultural and creative merchandises.

6.本次比賽活動的最終解釋權歸 MSAC 執委團所有。

The MSAC Executive Committee reserves the right for the final interpretation of this event.

如有任何疑問,請通過官方郵箱 聯繫我們。

If you have any questions, please contact us via our official email








Is it possible to be impressed and not act?

Of course not!

What are you waiting for?

Hurry up and click on “Read More”

and fill in the registration form!

This will be a platform to display

your talent and hone your skills!

Let’s look forward to the excellent works

contributed by Malaysian students for MSAC!

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