Open international competition for development concept of Tarkhanovo park

Open international competition for development concept of Tarkhanovo park

 總獎金: 1000000(RUB)

最高獎金: 500000(RUB)

報名時間: 2020-10-31 ~ 2021-02-22

主辦單位: Competition Bureau TEHNE



地點/Location:Russian Federation






Open international competition for development concept of Tarkhanovo park

報名費用/Entry Fee:

競賽背景 / Competition background

競爭區– Yoshkar-Ola Tarkhanovo microdistrict的Tarkhanovo生態公園。蘇聯時期的正式名稱-“以共青團成立50週年命名的公園”,但公眾將其稱為Tarkhanovo公園或Tarkhanovsky公園。該公園位於Yoshkar-Ola西北,受Rechnaya,Sportivnaya,Druzhby和Transportnaya街道的限制。





競賽內容 / Competition content



參賽資格 / Competition background


評委 / JURY







獎項設置 / AWARDS

競賽的總獎金為一百萬( 1,000,000.00 )盧布。根據評審團的投票,三名在競賽項目中得分最高的參賽者被宣佈為獲勝者。值得一提的是,根據評審團的投票,三名在獲勝者之後獲得得分的參與者值得一提。

  • 第一名— 500,000₽
  • 第二名— 300,000₽
  • 第三名— 110,000₽
  • 榮譽獎— 30,000₽
  • 榮譽獎— 30,000₽
  • 榮譽獎— 30,000₽

Open international competition for development concept of Tarkhanovo park, Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El, Russia. 2020—2021

  • Competition format: international, one-stage, open.
  • Participants: specialists in the field of comprehensive area development and urban planning, architecture, designing, public space development concept creation and master planning, which are capable of engaging specialists in economics, finance and content planning onto the team.
  • Registration fee: participation in the Competition is free. Printing and delivery of the Competition proposal ( one board and one album ) is paid by the Participant of the Competition. Participants can order the printing of the Competition proposal to the Organizing Committee.
  • Registration deadline: 22.02.2021.
  • Submission deadline: 22.02.2021.
  • Winners announcement: end of February 2021.
  • Awards: the total Prize Fund of the Competition is one million ( 1,000,000.00 ) rubles.
  • Organizing Committee: Competition Bureau TEHNE.
  • Customer: ООО “Zdorovaya Zhizn”.
  • Media partners:,,,,, tochkarostapractice,,
  • Full naming of the competition: Open international competition for the best architectural ( design ) project ( concept ) of Tarkhanovo park development, limited by Rechnaya, Sportivnaya, and Druzhba streets and aligned by Transportnaya and Molodezhnaya streets, Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El.
  • Official website/webpage:
  • Initial Competition Documentation:
  • Contacts:

*** Официальная страница конкурса на русском языке находится здесь ***

Theme and background

Subject matter of the Competition. Development concept of Tarkhanovo park in Yoshkar-Ola. The concept should include landscape, urban development, planning, volume-space and architectural solutions for the Competition Territory and correspond to the Competition Technical Requirements.

The competition territory is Tarkhanovo park, located at the north-west of Yoshkar-Ola. The park is divided into two parts by Shoya river. The competition territory amounts to 12.66 hectares.

Borderlines of the competition territory at the public cadaster map

The competition area – Tarkhanovo ecopark in Tarkhanovo microdistrict, Yoshkar-Ola. Official name in the Soviet period – “Park named after the Young Communist League 50-th anniversary”, but the public knows it as Tarkhanovo Park or Tarkhanovsky Park. The Park is located at the north-west of Yoshkar-Ola and limited by Rechnaya, Sportivnaya, Druzhby and Transportnaya streets.

Yoshkar-Ola Young Communist League committee put forward the idea to turn the area into park. In 1968, the park got its official name: “Park named after the Young Communist League 50-th anniversary”.

The trees, according to the residential complex’ citizens, were planted in the 1970s by pupils of school No. 16.

For the last 40 years, the park landscape and natural ecosystem of the designed area developed without any control. At present, the park territory is a soccer field for people to play and a residual green zone. The competition participants should think over landscape solutions for the whole area of the park. The competition territory amounts to 12.18 hectares.

The park is surrounded by blocks of flats, therefore local inhabitants consider Tarkhanovo ecopark as the neighboring recreation zone and use it accordingly.

Borders of the microdistrict “Tarkhanovo” in Yoshkar-Ola. YandexMaps

Prize Fund

The total Prize Fund of the Competition is one million ( 1,000,000.00 ) rubles. Three participants with the largest number of points for their Competition projects, based on the Jury vote, are declared the Winners. Three participants with scores right after the Winners, based on the Jury vote, are considered worth mentioning.

  • 1st place — 500,000 ₽
  • 2nd place — 300,000 ₽
  • 3rd place — 110,000 ₽
  • Honorable mention — 30,000 ₽
  • Honorable mention — 30,000 ₽
  • Honorable mention — 30,000 ₽

Satellite image of the park. YandexMaps


The Jury evaluates competition proposals in line with the following criteria:

1. Originality of the park development key idea and its implementability:

1.1 Setting environment of new quality, including functional saturation, diversity of users’ scenarios and environment inclusivity;

1.2 Correspondence of competition proposals to the world trends of territorial development.

1.3 All-season scenarios for the park usage.

2. Planning structure efficiency:

2.1 Convenience of functional links;

2.2 Efficient interaction between parts of the park;

2.3 Connection to adjacent territories;

2.4 Quality and quantity indicators of functional zones.

3. Transport planning:

3.1 The territory transport accessibility;

3.2 Integration with neighboring transport and pedestrian systems;

3.3 Location and configuration of parking lots.

4. Visual and landscape analysis:

4.1 Taking into consideration historic, cultural and natural features of the area and the town development. Integration into existing town context;

4.2 Retaining existing panoramic views;

4.3 Compliance with the area height limitations.

5. Landscape / ecological stability and innovations:

5.1 Taking into considerations local climate and ecological features;

5.2 All-season landscape solutions;

5.3 Restrictions in selecting and planting vegetation;

5.4 Engineering and constructive innovations.

6. Operation and stability:

6.1. Location of the park engineering equipment and convenient access year-around;

6.2 Labor costs to maintain consistency of the park ecosystem;

6.3 Labor costs to serve the park;

6.4 Efficient planning for removing, storing and utilizing snow.

7. Engineering, technical and constructive solutions:

7.1 Complying with limitations in engineering communication zones;

7.2 Complying with limitations in sanitary protection zones.

8. Compliance with town development standards:

8.1 Conformity with the RF town development and architecture legislation;

8.2 The project implementability, in view of existing technologies and possibility to use them;

8.3 Compliance with fire safety standards, building and structure fire-resistance / landscape objects.


The jury will be formed until the end of January 2021. The jury is planned to include leading architects specializing in the design of public spaces from Russia, Finland and other countries.

  • Vladimir Evgenievich Borodov, Professor of the Department of Building Design at the Institute of Construction and Architecture of the Volga State Technological University, Advisor to the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences ( RAASN ), Chairman of the Board of the Mari Regional Branch of the Union of Architects of Russia.
  • Alexander Rifatovich Vodyanik, Adviser to the Mayor of Krasnodar, expert on the formation of a comfortable urban environment and green frame, ecologist, head of the educational department of the Southern Federal University, member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.
  • Andrey Sergeevich Dozhdikov, acting Head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Administration of the city of Yoshkar-Ola.
  • Alexander Nikolaevich Zorin, Chairman of the Board of the Udmurt Regional Branch of the Union of Architects of Russia, member of the Board of the Union of Architects of Russia.
  • Petrus Laaksonen, Planning Director at Tengbom Arkkitehdit ( Helsinki ).
  • Svetlana Mikhailovna Lazareva, Director of the Botanical Garden-Institute of the Volga State Technological University ( Yoshkar-Ola ).
  • Veniamin Vikentievich Mamutkin, Deputy Head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning – Chief Architect of the city of Cheboksary; from 2002 to 2006 – Chief Architect of Yoshkar-Ola.
  • Alexander Viktorovich Marushko, representative of the customer, director of Zdorovaya Zhizn Company LLC ( Yoshkar-Ola ).
  • Georgy Sergeevich Snezhkin, co-founder of the “Khvoya” architectural bureau ( St. Petersburg ).
  • Danil Vladimirovich Shevkunov, representative of the TEHNE competition bureau, director of the “Archstroyinvest” architectural bureau, member of the board of the Udmurt regional branch of the Union of Architects of Russia.


  • 31.10.2020. The Competition starts.
  • 06.11.2020—22.02.2021. Participants are registered and Competition proposals are accepted.
  • End of February 2021. Jury session, selection of the Competition Winners
  • End of February 2021. Winners are officially announced, the Competition results are presented at a press-conference.

Photo fixation of the park. 2019

Registration & Submission

Registration form

If Applicant is incapable of paying for printing and delivery of the Competition proposal ( one board and one album ), he may send an essay to the Competition Organizing Committee ( 2000 to 6000 symbols with spaces ), describing the key idea of the area development and visual solutions, presented in the essay ( two jpg images. ) The material should be sent to Within 7 working days the Competition Organizing Committee considers the presented materials. In case of a positive decision the printing and delivery of the Applicant’s Competition proposal is paid by the Competition Customer; in case of a negative decision the Applicant, if he is willing to stay in the Competition, should pay for printing and delivery of the Competition proposal himself.

Composition of materials:

  • key idea of the park development, description of the project conceptual vision and principles;
  • the park social and cultural programming;
  • solutions to integrate the territory into the town environment context;
  • landscape and architecture organization of the territory;
  • architectural and planning solutions in relation to the park key objects;
  • solutions for transport and pedestrian movement;
  • solutions as to the area lighting;
  • design solutions of the area improvement, including the territory landscaping;
  • principles of all-seasons use of the area;
  • solutions to secure stable development of the area;
  • assessment of social and economic impacts and a road map to implement the park development concept.

All Competition proposals are sent under the Numeric Code, assigned to Participants after the registration. The Numeric Code consists of six Arabic numerals. The Numeric Code is indicated in the bottom right corner of each sheet of graphic materials, in a rectangular 20×120 mm. The Numeric Code is also indicated at the album first sheet ( Participants may complement the Numeric Code with the Competition project personal name, if they wish ). No Competition materials should contain any reference to authorship.

Demands to formatting of materials

  • 1 ) One plotting board. File in pdf or tiff with main diagrams and visualizations for future printing on the board 1400×2000 mm. The board is vertical.
  • 2 ) One album. File in pdf, tiff or ppt with full description of the Competition proposal, 420×297 mm ( AZ format ), horizontal, resolution 300 dpi.
  • 3 ) Other material at the Participant’s discretion.

Materials should be uploaded into a cloud file hosting with downloading reference to the Competition Organizer,

Competition Documentation

Terms and Conditions

Invitation for participation

Initial Competition Documentation

Updates to Competition Documentation

  • 11/16/2020 – in Appendix No. 3 ( Composition, content and demands to registration of Competition proposals ) to the Terms and Conditions, the incorrect size ( 1400×2000 mm ) of the provided plotting board was indicated; correct plotting board size – 1400×1000 mm; the error has been fixed in the current version of the Documentation.
  • 11/19/2020 – Geological survey results have been added to the Initial Competition Documentation.
  • 12/19/2020 – in the Technical requirements ( clause 1.9. ) the scale of the provided plan has been corrected. The correct scale is M 1: 1000 for a plotting board and M 1: 2000 for an album. The scale has been fixed in the current version of the Documentation.
  • 01/15/2021 – due to the fact that the boundaries of the competition territory were changed before the announcement of the competition, the incorrect area of the territory was indicated in the Initial Competition Documentation – 12.18 hectares. The exact area of the competition territory is 12.66 hectares.



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