Sony Future Filmmaker Awards – Student Filmmaker
Student Filmmaker competition目標獎勵有潛力成為產業未來的人才。
共有兩種競賽類別:虛構和非虛構。針對每一類別,競賽會獎勵兩名獲獎者及其所屬機構,以及最多 10 人的入圍名單 (每個類別最多五人)。參賽免費。
- 虛構類
- 非虛構類
提交作品長度必須在 5 到 20 分鐘之間。參賽截止日期為 2022 年 12 月 13 日上午 07:00 (CT;北美中部時區;UTC-6)。
類別優勝者 | 入圍名單 | |
飛往洛杉磯的航班和住宿 | ● | ● |
出席典禮 | ● | ● |
Sony Pictures studio 為期兩天的講習會計劃* | ● | ● |
FX6 Cinema Line 電影攝影機** (加鏡頭)*** | ● | |
證書 | ● | |
獎盃 | ● |
*講習會涵蓋的主題將包含:選角、實際製作、動畫、法律、CGI、Sony 的創新、行銷過程、混音和音樂、後期製作、人才經紀公司、電視和片廠參觀。
***FE 24-105mm
- 學生必須輸入其大學或所屬機構
- 影片可以使用任何類型的裝置或攝影機拍攝
- 影片長度必須在 5 到 20 分鐘之間
- 每人只能提交一件作品
- 請確保您的提交語言為英文 (或包含英文字幕)
- 您必須擁有參賽作品的完整版權
- 您的影片必須是在 2021 年或 2022 年創作
- 在提交作品時,請準備好以下項目:
- 參賽作品的描述 (將其新增至「作品描述」欄位)
- 影片連結,例如可以是 Vimeo 或 YouTube URL,確認是 1080 像素的 ProRes HQ MOV*
- 影片的 JPEG 縮圖乙張
- 使用的影像必須是:
品質 10 或以上
檔案大小在 1 到 5MB 之間
設定為 sRGB 彩色模式
*無需上傳 MP4 檔案
- 高解析度版本,最低解析度為 1080 像素 ProRes HQ MOV,最低 29.97 FPS
- 混音及分軌音檔以獨立檔案提供
- 影片檔(graphics)需獨立提供
- 30 秒的影片預告

Sony Future Filmmaker Awards
Filmmaker 競賽旨在發掘讓人耳目一新的電影敘事角度。 共分為三類,虛構、非虛構和生態環境。參賽作品可以用任何設備拍攝,長度必須在 5 到 20 分鐘之間。
Student Filmmaker
Student Filmmaker 競賽旨在獎勵未來有潛力能夠影響電影產業的人才,參賽者必須在指定註冊機構就學。 共有虛構和非虛構兩大類。參賽作品可以用任何設備拍攝,長度必須在 5 到 20 分鐘之間。
Future Format
Future Format competition競賽將挑戰電影工作者,要求參賽者以指定技術概要(technical brief)拍攝。今年,參賽作品必須完全使用智慧型手機拍攝。 參賽作品可以在任何智慧型手機上拍攝,長度必須在 2 到 5 分鐘之間。
The Sony Future Filmmaker Awards contest rewards outstanding filmmakers in six categories across three competitions, Filmmaker (3 categories), Student Filmmaker (2 categories) and Future Format (1 category).
The Sony Future Filmmaker Awards supports creators in order to protect the image rights of all artists.
Sony Future Filmmaker Awards
Competition” The three competitions, Filmmaker, Student Filmmaker and Future Format, that comprise the Sony Future Filmmaker Awards contest as set out in clause 1, 2 and 3 below, incorporating
“Competition Rules” The rules of the Competition as set out in this document
Entry” Each video submitted into the Competition as set out in clause 2 below
Entrant” Each individual entering the Competition
Event Partners” Companies that serve as Partners to the Promoter
for the Competition; for the avoidance of doubt Event Partners include but is
not limited to Sony Corporation,
“Judges” A panel of 5 judges appointed by the Promoter.
“Prize” The prizes awarded for the overall winning Entry, Finalist and Shortlist Entries, details of which can be found at
“Terms and Conditions” The terms governing the access to and use of, accessible at
In these Competition Rules:
(a) the singular includes the plural and vice versa and the use of any gender includes the other genders; and
(b) any phrase introduced by the terms “including” or “in particular”, or any similar expression, shall be construed as illustrative and not limiting of any preceding words.
1.1 By entering the Competition You hereby accept these Competition Rules and the Terms and Conditions. Any capitalised terms that are not defined in these Competition Rules shall have the same meaning as given in the Terms and Conditions. These Competition Rules and the Terms and Conditions shall together be the “Official Rules”.
1.2.1 The Competition is free to enter.
1.2.2 The Competition is open to all members of the public except:
- employees of Promoter or its holding or subsidiary companies; or
- employees of agents or suppliers of Promoter or its holding or subsidiary companies, who are professionally connected with the competition or its administration.
1.2.3 The Student Filmmaker Competition is only open to Students attending an institution that has a formalised film course/credit/module which is taught at higher education level (diploma/degree).
1.3 Any Entry must be submitted by 07:00 CT on Tuesday December 13, 2022.
1.4 By entering the Competition, You agree and acknowledge that the Promoter is permitted to receive Your registration data. All personal information will be used by the Promoter in accordance with its Privacy Policy.See also clause 3.2 with regard to the announcement of winners.
1.5 The promoter of the Competition is Creo Arts Group Limited of 9 Manchester Square, London, W1U 3PL, United Kingdom (the “Promoter”).
2. To enter, you must fill in the URL of your Entry, upload the accompanying image via the Promoter website at “Website”) and follow the on-screen instructions.
2.1 Entry must be produced in 2021 or 2022.
2.2. All Entrants must be able to supply a high-resolution Entry with resolution of 1080 pixels ProRes HQ MOV and a minimum of 24 frames per second
2.3 All Entrants must meet the duration requirements specified per competition.
2.3.1 Each Entry in the Filmmaker competition must be between 5 and 20 minutes in duration and can be shot on any device.
2.3.2 Each Entry in the Student Filmmaker competition must be between 5 and 20 minutes in duration and can be shot on any device.
2.3.3 Each Entry in the Future Format competition must be between 2 and 5 minutes in duration and must be entirely shot on a smartphone.
2.4 Entries should be hosted on YouTube or Vimeo and the URL uploaded. Accompanying Images should be no smaller than 1MB and no larger than 5MB. The supporting image submission should be a JPEG file. Any Entry that contains significant non-English dialogue must include on-screen English subtitles at the time of submission.
3.1 The Competition will run from 13:00hrs GMT on Tuesday 26 July 2022 (the “Opening Date”) to 13:00hrs GMT on Tuesday 13 December 2022 (the “Closing Date”) inclusive. All Entries must be submitted by no later than 13:00hrs GMT on the Closing Date. All Entries received after the Closing Date will be automatically disqualified. All Entries will be judged between Wednesday 14 December, 2022 and Wednesday 11 January 2023.
3.2 A shortlist of up to five (5) Entrants for each category, and a winner will be selected by the Judges and announced on the Website. The Promoter will publish the surname and country of winners and their winning Entries. If You object to any or all of Your surname, country and winning Entry being published or made available You must contact the Promoter.
3.2.1 ALL Entrants understand that all shortlisted and winning Entrants, once notified in accordance with clause 3.2 and 3.3, will be required to submit a 30 second trailer of their Entry. The Trailer will be used during the Award Ceremony and for the promotion of You and the Sony Future Filmmaker Awards and You agree that the trailer will comply to the Official Rules and in particular clauses 4 and 7.
3.3 The winners will be voted for by the Judges and will be notified by email.
3.4 The decision of the Judges and the Promoter is final and no negotiation will be entered into with respect to any such decision.
3.5 Each Entrant can submit across more than one category and Competition
4.1 The Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify and remove any entry that does not comply with the following requirements, even after the entry is submitted on the Website. You warrant and represent, in respect of each entry submitted by Entrants (“Entry”), as follows:
4.1.1 You are the sole owner and author of each Entry
4.1.2 You have the right to make Your Entry available to the Competition
4.1.3 Each Entry does not contain personally identifiable information about You or any other person(s)
4.1.4 Each Entry does not contain any infringing, threatening, false, misleading, abusive, harassing, libellous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, scandalous, inflammatory, pornographic or profane content
4.1.5 Each Entry does not contain any material that could constitute or encourage conduct which would be considered a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any law
4.1.6 Each Entry does not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, contract rights, or any other intellectual property rights of any third person or entity, or violate any person’s rights of privacy or publicity, including: trademarks owned by third parties copyrighted materials owned by third parties (including movie dialogue or musical compositions) Entries which contain any commercial content that promotes any product or service other than that of the Promoter.
4.1.7 No animals were harmed or manipulated in the making of the Entry.
4.1.8 Each Entry complies by the terms and conditions of any 3rd party platform used in hosting the Entry as set out in clause 2
4.2 You agree to fully indemnify the Promoter and/or its Event Partners in respect of all royalties, fees and any other monies owing to any person by reason of Your breaching any of the foregoing.
4.3 You confirm that each person depicted in the Entry has granted permission to be portrayed as shown. Any costumes, props or other materials used must be rented or borrowed with the permission of the owner, and all other relevant permissions must have been obtained.
4.4 In accordance with clause 3.2 and 3.3 all shortlisted and winning Entrants will be contacted by email to ratify the Entry and arrange for the awarding of the Prizes as soon as reasonably practicable after the Announcement Date, using the contact details provided with the Entry. If the Promoter does not hear from the Entrant by the date specified in any correspondence and is therefore not able to ratify the Entry, that Entrant will be disqualified and replaced by another Entrant.
4.5 You acknowledge that the Promoter reserves all rights to disqualify You if Your conduct is contrary to the spirit or intention of the Competition or otherwise not in accordance with these Competition Rules.
5.1 If you are under 18, you have Your parent’s or legal guardian’s consent to participate in the Competition.
5.2 If the Promoter does not receive a valid signed parental or legal guardian consent form for any winner under the age of 18 within 7 clear days of the Entrant being declared a winner (excluding the day on which such declaration is made by the Promoter) the Promoter will be entitled to select an alternative winner from among the Entrants.
6. The Promoter may run an online rating process whereby members of the public may vote for a favourite Entry. If there is sufficient evidence (in the Promoter’s sole discretion) to suggest malpractice and manipulation of the rating process by an Entrant, then the Promoter has the right to remove the relevant Entry and, if necessary, award the Prize to a different Entrant. The Promoter’s decisions are final.
7.1 The Promoter recognises the author of each Entry retains full ownership of the copyright in such Entry.
7.2 All Entrants understand that any Entry submitted to the competition may be used by the Promoter, and its Event Partners, for marketing and promotional purposes of You the Entrant and the Competition only, for a maximum of three years after the Announcement Date. Entrant grants the Promoter and its Event Partners a non-exclusive, irrevocable, sub-licensable licence in each Entry throughout the world for three years in all media for any use connected to the promotion of You the author and the Sony Future Filmmaker Awards Contest event and/or competition, including, but not limited to:
(a) judging the Competition
(b) displaying the winning Entry and runners up at public screenings promoting You the author and the Sony Future Filmmaker Awards Contest
(c) inclusion within the Website, or similar
(d) inclusion within any materials in any media promoting the Competition and / or any exhibition organised by the Promoter and/or its Event Partners, in the promotion of the Promoter and/or its Event Partners
(e) sub-licensing the Entry to the press for reproduction in connection with the Competition and any screening
(f) allowing viewers of the Website and/or Event Partners websites to view Entries on a computer screen, PDA or mobile telephone and store such pages in electronic form on disk or on a PDA or mobile telephone (but not on any server or other storage device connected to a network) for their personal, non-commercial use only. Please also refer to clause 9.
(g) displaying the winning Entry at the Award Ceremony
7.3 All Entrants understand that the Entrant’s information, including Entry name and description, may be shared with Event Partners and media as per clause 7.1, 7.2 and 8.
8. Any Entry used by the Promoter or its Event Partners shall carry a credit line. Any failure to provide such credit line shall not be deemed to be a breach, as long as the Promoter or its Event Partners uses its reasonable endeavours to rectify such failure within a reasonable period from the date of notice of such failure.
9. The Promoter assumes no responsibility for any incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete information, whether caused by website users or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilised in the Competition, and the Promoter assumes no responsibility for technical, hardware or software failures of any kind, for lost network connections, garbled computer transmissions, other problems or technical malfunctions with regard to the Competition. The Promoter assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, corruption, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to or alteration of Entry. The Promoter is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, computer equipment, software, failure of any e-mail addressed to the Promoter on account of technical problems, human error or traffic congestion on the internet or any website, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to Your or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from participation or downloading any materials in the Competition. If for any reason a contestant’s entry cannot be viewed or is not capable of running as planned, including infection by computer viruses, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud or technical failures, the Promoter assumes no responsibility.
10. Each Entrant releases and holds harmless the Promoter, the Event Partners, and their respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, shareholders, employees and agents (the “Released Parties”) from any loss, damage, personal injury or death occurring as a result of taking up the Prize won except where it is caused by the negligence of the Released Parties. Each Entrant agrees to indemnify and hold the Released Parties harmless from any and all claims, damages, expenses, costs (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) and liabilities (including settlements), brought or asserted by any third party against any of the Released Parties due to or arising out of your Entry or your conduct in creating an Entry, including but not limited to: claims for trademark infringement; copyright infringement; violation of an individual’s right of publicity or right of privacy; or defamation.
11. You agree to participate in related publicity and to the use of Your name and likeness for the purposes of advertising, promotion and publicity without additional compensation.
12.1 There are no cash alternatives available for Prize winners.
12.2 Prize winners may receive digital imaging equipment as part of their Prize and in such cases equipment may be sent to them. In some countries income tax may be applicable to prizes. It is the winner’s responsibility to pay any income taxes related to the Prize in compliance with their own country’s law. In such cases the winner agrees to indemnify and keep the Promoter, its parents, affiliates or partners indemnified against any tax liability, charges, fines, penalties or interest or any other liability incurred by the winner which liability arose as a result of Prizes provided to the winner.
13.1 If there is any reason to believe that there has been a breach of these Official Rules, the Promoter may, at its sole discretion, reserve the right to exclude You from participating in the Competition.
13.2 The Promoter reserves the right to hold void, suspend, cancel, or amend the Competition where it becomes necessary to do so.
13.3 These Competition Rules shall be governed by English law, and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
主辦單位:Sony Future Filmmaker Awards
聯絡人:Sony Future Filmmaker Awards
聯絡電話:020 7886 3000
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