The Sound of All Human Knowledge

The Sound of All Human Knowledge

最高獎金: 2500(USD)

報名時間: 2022-09-13 ~ 2022-10-10

主辦單位: Wikimedia Foundation


Sound helps shape our perception and how we learn about the world around us. Some sounds are quite simple to identify, like the sound of a rocket launch or the sound of waves crashing against the shore. But how about the sound of all human knowledge?

The Sound of All Human Knowledge

The Wikimedia movementis searching for a sound logo that will identify content from all of our projects, like Wikipedia, when visual logos are not an option— for example, when virtual voice assistants answer queries.

Through an open contest, organised by the Wikimedia Foundation, we are inviting the world to create The Sound of All Human Knowledge. This sound will help communicate what the Wikimedia movement stands for — trustworthy, reliable, open, and accessible knowledge for all.

Contest overview

Accepting submissions until 10 October 2022


As a movement, we believe we build better when we build together, which is why we are inviting the world to help us create The Sound of All Human Knowledge.

Submissions for the Wikimedia sound logo contest will be accepted between the 13th of September 2022 at 00:00 UTCand the 10th of October 2022 by 23:59 UTC. We reserve the right to close the submission early (after notice on the submission page.)

We invite you to create a sound that is global, smart, and familiar — a sound that will soon be recognised around the world as The Sound of All Human Knowledge. Your original submission must capture the essence of everything Wikimedia stands for. It should respond to questions like: “What is the sound of discovering something new?”or “What is the sound of trusted information?” or even “What is the sound of winning an argument?”

The winner will receive $2,500 USD and a trip to a recording studio to produce the final sound logo. Before submitting your entry, make sure your entry follows the contest rules listed in the Contest Information and Criteria. If you need some motivation, look at these free resourcesto get started. Submit your sound

Review and selection

The submission phase of The Sound of All Human Knowledge ends on the 10th of October 2022. A panel of Wikimedia volunteers, together with sound logo experts from MassiveMusicand an independent musicologist will review submissions until the 29th of November 2022. They will identify 10 finalists based on the following criteria: Conceptual match, originality/uniqueness, and potential for strong brand recall. Once the finalists have been selected, you will be able to cast your vote for the winner.


Every day, we invite the world to create the sum of all human knowledge. Now, we are inviting the world to create The Sound of All Human Knowledge.

Voting for Wikimedia’s new sound logo starts on the 29th of November 2022and goes until the 19th of December 2022. Help find the entry that best summarises all that Wikimedia stands for.

Winner announcement

In early 2023, the world will finally hear The Sound of All Human Knowledge! Wikimedia’s new sound logo will help users all over the world know when they are listening to credible, open content sourced from Wikimedia projects.

The Sound of All Human Knowledge

The Sound of All Human Knowledge

Contact us

If you are experiencing issues with submitting your sound logo entry, or if you have any questions regarding the contest, feel free to contact a human at or fill out the form below. We designed this website with inclusion and accessibility at the forefront. If you have feedback or proposed adjustments to the website related to inclusion and accessibility, please contact us at

For media inquiries, please email us at



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