第二十四屆全球自行車設計比賽 24th IBDC

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第二十四屆全球自行車設計比賽 24th IBDC

 總獎金: 400000

最高獎金: 200000

報名時間: 2021-07-01 ~ 2021-11-30

主辦單位: 財團法人自行車暨健康科技工業研究發展中心

主辦單位電話: 04-2350-1100分機813


第二十四屆全球自行車設計比賽 24th IBDC 入選作品名單


Category Title of Entry Image
1. Intelligent, innovative Ebike BCS-16
1. Intelligent, innovative Ebike BUCK – Personal Mobile Workstation
1. Intelligent, innovative Ebike Dual
1. Intelligent, innovative Ebike EHC
1. Intelligent, innovative Ebike E-rad Cycling Trainer
1. Intelligent, innovative Ebike IFold-Bike
1. Intelligent, innovative Ebike PEGASUS
1. Intelligent, innovative Ebike Scout
1. Intelligent, innovative Ebike SHiFT – Easiest Train to Commute Experience
1. Intelligent, innovative Ebike STEED
2. Intelligent bicycle components Licht Intelligent Bike Finder Light
2. Intelligent bicycle components Ultimate QUIK Release Device
4. Innovative bicycles/ services/ systems related to new style of living ComBike
4. Innovative bicycles/ services/ systems related to new style of living Draisine+
4. Innovative bicycles/ services/ systems related to new style of living Sbike
4. Innovative bicycles/ services/ systems related to new style of living URBISC
4. Innovative bicycles/ services/ systems related to new style of living Youhelmet





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