To mark the start of PIN-UP’s second issue, ChinaGSD invites you to embark on an urban adventure to re-examine the value in forgotten pieces of our urban fabric. From the dancing grounds under elevated highways to the informal living rooms in dead-end alleys, these spaces that are left out from the city’s rapid growth have found their new purpose through bottom-up appropriation. Beneath their seemingly “obsolete” appearance, these spaces serve as our refuge from the rapid changes of the city.
Open Call 公開招募
Organized by ChinaGSD, the online exhibition “An Urban Adventure: Let’s Occupy a Left-over Space” invites you to discover the opportunities and value in these disregarded spaces in our cities. We welcome submissions across all mediums: it could be a photo documentation, a design project, a short clip of video, or a piece of text. Chosen submissions will be featured on our website ( www.harvardchinagsd.com ), instagram, wechat, and our collaborating media partners.
Participation 參與方式
- Please email the submission with the topic of “Left-over Space” to info@harvardchinagsd.com by March 15th, 2021.
- Eligibility: Everyone
- The format of the submission is not limited. Pictures, videos, comments, paintings and design projects are all accepted, but the independence and originality of the work must be indicated.
- In your submission email, please include the following information: your name, the location of the work( s ), the title of your work( s ), a brief description.
- 參展人需在2021年3月15日前以“被遺忘的空間”( Left-over Space )為主題提交作品。
- 參展人背景、身份不限。
- 作品形式不限,圖片、視頻、文字評論、繪畫作品及設計方案均可接受,但須註明作品的獨立性及原創性。
- 作品請註明姓名、作品地點、作品名稱、介紹及備註。
Format 格式要求
- Picture: no more than 5, JPEGs or PNGs.
- Video: MP4
- Article: Please indicate whether there is a co-author. If the article exceeds 1500 words, please highlight the key paragraph that is most appropriate to the topic.
- Project: Please submit the comparison of before-after the renovation
- 圖片類:不超過5張,JPEG或PNG格式。
- 短視頻類:MP4格式。
- 文章類:請註明是否有合著者,如文章超過1500字,請註明與主題最貼切的關鍵段落。
- 設計方案類:請提交改造更新前後對比圖。
Disclaimer 免責聲明
- ChinaGSD will protect the personal information of the participant.
- The participant must guarantee the originality of the work, and be responsible for the consequences of plagiarism.
- ChinaGSD會保護作品提交者的個人信息
- 提交者需保證作品原創性,若出現剽竊抄襲情況後果由個人負責
- ChinaGSD保留活動的最終解釋權
Examples 參考案例
With media support from:
- 都市冒險:讓我們佔領一個被遺忘的角落主題展覽徵件Open Call 公開招募 此次公開招募旨在發掘並重拾城市中的剩餘空間。面對這些被遺忘的角落,瞬間湧起的凝思、惋惜或是訝異都將是對這些空間重新解讀的開始。我們歡迎大家以照片或是視頻的形式記錄這些空間的存在,並在像素信息傳播的過程中發掘釋放出更多不同的視角。同時,我們也歡迎以改造為主題的設計方案或文字評論,期待各位以城市觀察者的視角分享自己的見解。 http://www.harvardchinagsd.com/
- 都市冒險:讓我們佔領一個被遺忘的角落主題展覽徵件城市在飛速地向外擴張,城市內部滋生的剩餘空間卻也正逐漸被人遺忘,成為了新的都市景觀。從高架橋下的廣場舞池,到胡同裡弄中散落的沙發會客廳;從因工業轉型而被廢棄的老廠房,到斥資數億卻最終淪為網紅景觀的“鬼城”建設,這些在快速迭代的都市生活方式中顯得格格不入的空間,有的早已被人遺忘,成為一片廢墟;有的卻蠢蠢欲動,在城市更新的行動中找回了片刻的活力。這些空間跨越永久和暫時、集體與個人、秩序與零散的邊界線;是難以被定義的模糊地帶,卻也可以是活力迸發的都市奇觀。 http://www.cphoto.net/article-197144-1.html
- 都市冒险-让我们占领一个被遗忘的角落主题展览征集都市冒险-让我们占领一个被遗忘的角落主题展览征集 发布时间:2021-02-26 截稿时间:2021-03-05 阅读量: ©信息来源与版权归属 哈佛大学设计学院中国学生会