2020 SDGs Design International Awards
2020 SDGs Design International Awards
First Review
May 15 – August 31, 2020, Japan Time.
We are holding a competition for students around the world to design for SDGs.
2020 SDGs Design International Awards
First Review
May 15 – August 31, 2020, Japan Time.
We are holding a competition for students around the world to design for SDGs.
計畫自即日起至 8 月 7 日(五)止辦理計畫徵件事宜,最高可研提金額上限為三萬元,本年度預計補助八所學校,請欲研提計畫之單位於截止日前,依附件格式撰寫計畫,並以掛號寄達四健會。