MUSE Creative Awards 2023 繆斯創意獎
MUSE Creative Awards 2023 繆斯創意獎
The MUSE Creative Awards is a part of the MUSE Awards Program, which was created by the International Awards Associate (IAA) in 2015. IAA’s inception was based on a mission to honor, promote and encourage creativity by providing a new standard of excellence for evaluating media design production and distribution. IAA’s mission has largely shaped MUSE Creative Awards’ goals.
At its core, MUSE Creative Awards is an international competition for creative professionals who inspire others to greater heights. With their concepts, ideas or designs, these creatives light a fire in others to strive further, thus becoming a muse.
MUSE 創意獎是 MUSE 獎計劃的一部分,該計劃由國際獎協會 (IAA) 於 2015 年創建。IAA 的成立是基於通過提供新的卓越標準來評估、促進和鼓勵創造力的使命媒體設計製作和發行。IAA 的使命在很大程度上塑造了 MUSE 創意獎的目標。
從本質上講,MUSE 創意獎是一項國際性的競賽,旨在為激勵他人更上一層樓的創意專業人士舉辦。憑藉他們的概念、想法或設計,這些創意點燃了他人的火焰,進一步努力,從而成為繆斯女神。
Advertising 廣告
App 應用程序
Audio 聲音的
Best Agency Awards 最佳機構獎
Branded Content 品牌內容
Corporate Identity 企業形象
Corporate Social Responsibility 企業社會責任
Event 事件
Experiential & Immersive 體驗式和沈浸式
Integrated Marketing 整合營銷
Marketing & Promotional 營銷與促銷
Outdoor Advertising 戶外廣告
Publication 出版物
Social Media 社交媒體
Strategic Program 戰略計劃
Student Submission 學生提交
Typography 排版
Video 視頻
Website 網站
The MUSE Creative Awards accepts entries from agencies, graphic design companies, web and digital entities, production companies, and freelancers. We welcome submissions from all over the world.
Entry Brief:
It is recommended that you keep your synopsis to approximately 350 words. The brief should strengthen your entry, as well as providing the jury a better understanding of your project. A written translation or adaptation must accompany non-English entries.
Image Submission:
The submissions should be saved in a flattened JPEG or JPG format. (keep them under 4MB, 1,200px wide is preferable, 300dpi, RGB).
Video / Audio Submission:
Entries with audio/video must be submitted with a direct URL that will take judges directly to the work:
Upload video/audio to Vimeo/YouTube/Youku.
Paste the URL link into the URL field.
MUSE 創意獎接受來自代理機構、平面設計公司、網絡和數字實體、製作公司和自由職業者的參賽作品。我們歡迎來自世界各地的投稿。
建議您將概要保持在大約 350 字以內。簡介應加強您的參賽作品,並讓陪審團更好地了解您的項目。非英語條目必須附有書面翻譯或改編。
提交的圖片應保存為扁平化的 JPEG 或 JPG 格式。(將它們保持在 4MB 以下,最好是 1,200px 寬,300dpi,RGB)。
帶有音頻/視頻的參賽作品必須使用直接 URL 提交,該 URL 將直接將評委帶到作品:將
視頻/音頻上傳到 Vimeo/YouTube/優酷。
將 URL 鏈接粘貼到 URL 字段中。
Each year, the MUSE Creative Awards honor the best in creativity from around the globe, while you give us a glimpse into the future of the profession.
One professionally designed certificate commemorating the winning entry, which includes entry title, entering company/winners' name and category. Decal will be affixed indicating the level of win.
Top tier (Platinum and Gold) winners will be featured on MUSE Creative Awards site's Gallery, where professionals can view your work.
A press release template sent to major industry outlets, celebrating your win.
Professionally designed logos for use on websites, in email signatures, etc.
In addition to the complimentary certificates, Platinum, Gold, and Silver winners may purchase beautiful MUSE Awards statuettes, and/or additional customized certificates.
Platinum and Gold winners will get featured by MUSE on social media or our media partner on Muse.World’s website.
每年,MUSE 創意獎都會表彰全球最優秀的創意人才,而您則可以讓我們一睹該行業的未來。
頂級(白金和金獎)獲獎者將出現在 MUSE 創意獎網站的畫廊中,專業人士可以在這裡查看您的作品。
除了免費證書外,白金、金和銀獎得主還可以購買精美的 MUSE 獎小雕像和/或額外的定制證書。
白金和金獎得主將在社交媒體上獲得 MUSE 的推薦,或在 Muse.World 網站上獲得我們的媒體合作夥伴的推薦。
Creativity / Concept / Idea
Content / Brief / Objective / Planning / Execution
Visual / Design
Innovation / Functionality / Effectiveness
Impact / Memorability
Results Announcement: April 14, 2023
※ 詳細規定,以主辦單位官方公佈為主