

 總獎金: 280000

最高獎金: 100000

報名時間: 2021-06-14 ~ 2021-08-04

主辦單位: 中華民國僑務委員會文化部行政院客家委員會


活動說明 Description of event

為鼓勵全球僑校學生及國內僑生藉由傳唱華語、閩南語及客語等歌曲,強化華語文學習動機、認識及體驗臺灣族群語言及流行音樂文化,僑務委員會聯合文化部及客家委員會特別規劃辦理本賽事,邀請喜愛唱歌表演的海內外僑民子弟參加,第一名除可獲得新臺幣10萬元( 稅前 )獎金外,還有機會站上國慶舞臺上演出!


The Overseas Community Affairs Council ( OCAC ), together with the Ministry of Culture ( MOC ) and Hakka Affairs Council ( HAC ) are co-hosting an international Mandarin, Hokkien and Hakka singing contest to encourage global overseas compatriot school students and overseas compatriot students in Taiwan to learn about and experience the languages of Taiwan and pop music culture, whilst creating motivation to learn Chinese language! The winner will receive a prize of NT$100,000 ( pre-tax ), and the chance to perform at the National Day gala!

參賽資格 Eligibility

海外僑校組 Overseas Compatriot School Group

  • 至2021年10月9日,年滿12歲至24歲( 出生日期介於1997年10月8日至2009年10月9日 )之本會立案/備查僑校在學學生( 不含持有中國大陸護照者 )。
    Participants shall be students who study/studied in schools registered/filed in the OCAC. Participants shall be 12 to 24 years old ( birthdate between October 8 1997 to October 9 2009 ) does not have a passport issued by Mainland China.
  • 線上初賽及地區複賽以「個人」為參賽單位;線上準決賽及總決賽可邀請同僑校符合資格同學組成團隊( 包含人聲與伴奏 ),但每一人以參加一組為限。
    Online preliminary round and regional quarter-final round competitions are on an individual basis. Online semi-finals and final can be on group basis: Participants can form a group ( including voice and accompaniment ) from the same overseas compatriot school, but each person is limited to register in one group.

國內僑生組 Overseas Compatriot Students Studying in Taiwan Group

  • 在臺在學僑生( 包含110年度畢業之在臺僑生及港澳生 ), 不含陸生及外籍生。
    Participants shall be overseas compatriot students ( including Hong Kong and Macau students but excluding Mainland Chinese students and foreign students ) studying in Taiwan ( including those who graduated in 2021 ).
  • 線上初賽以「個人」為參賽單位;線上準決賽及總決賽可邀請其他符合資格之僑生組成團隊( 包含人聲與伴奏 ),但每一人以參加一組為限。
    Online preliminary round is on an individual basis. Online semi-finals and final can be on group basis: Participants can form a group ( including voice and accompaniment ) composed of other eligible overseas compatriot students, but each person is limited to register in one group.

已簽定唱片( 演藝經紀 )合約之職業歌手不得參賽。 前項資格經查證如不符將取消參賽資格。

Professional singers who are contracted to a record company are not allowed to participate. Eligibility for the competition will be cancelled if the qualifying requirements in the preceding paragraph are violated.

比賽方式 Competition method


  • 全程採線上方式辦理,比賽分為線上初賽、線上準決賽及總決賽等3階段辦理:線上初賽
  • 有意參賽之本會立案/備查僑校學生,以僑校為單位向駐外單位申請參賽識別碼, 學生取得識別碼即可上網註冊報名並下載 APP 登入,使用本比賽 APP 評分系統選唱 1 首歌曲,並由比賽專用 AI 系統依預設標準評分,依分數高低選出前 118 組。
  • 線上準決賽
  • 線上初賽選出之參賽者,由本會指定曲曲目中選擇錄製1首演唱影片,一鏡到底, 可自行改編或加入創意,但不可後製修音。影片錄製完成後上傳活動官網( 毋須識別碼 ),由專業評審評選出15組總決賽入圍者,選出後由駐外人員確認入圍者參賽資格。
  • 總決賽
  • 參賽者自指定曲目選擇1首演唱,一鏡到底,可自行改編或加入創意,但不可後製修音。影片錄製完成後上傳活動官網,由專業評審評選出得獎者。

Overseas Compatriot Schools Group

  • There are three stages in this competition: Preliminary Round, Quarterfinal, and Grand Final. The whole competition will be host online.Online Preliminary Round
  • Any student who enrolled in the OCAC listed schools is qualified to participate in this competition. Students should download the official APP and use the APP to join the preliminary round. Each participant should choose one song from the list of designated songs. Each participant has 4 opportunities for uploading. Uploaded songs will be scored by the competition’s AI system according to preset standards. The top 118 groups are shortlisted based on the score.
  • Online quarterfinals
  • Candidates selected from the online preliminary round shall record a performance video of the designated songs. Adaption or add creativity is allowed. However, sound editing in post-production is prohibited. After the film is recorded, candidates shall submit contact information and their performance video to the official website ( no identification code required ). Fifteen finalists will be selected by professional judges whilst confirm the qualification by the OCAC local staff.
  • Grand final
  • Shortlisted candidates shall record a performance video of the designated songs. Adaption or add creativity is allowed. However, sound editing in post-production is prohibited. After the film is recorded, candidates shall submit contact information and their performance video to the official website. The winners will be selected by professional judges.


  • 線上初賽
  • 參賽者上網註冊報名並登入比賽專用APP 逕行演唱錄製比賽指定曲 1 首音檔並上傳,並由比賽專用 AI 系統依預設標準評分,依分數高低選出前 100 組。
  • 線上準決賽
  • 100 組參賽者由本會指定曲曲目中選擇錄製1首演唱影片,一鏡到底,可自行改編或加入創意,但不可後製修音。影片錄製完成後上傳活 動官網( 毋須識別碼 ),由專業評審評選出15組進 入總決賽,並由本會確認入圍者參賽資格。
  • 現場總決賽
  • 參賽者自指定曲選擇一首演唱,可自行改編或加入創意,原則採現場演唱方式比賽。

Overseas Compatriot Students Studying in Taiwan Group

  • Online Preliminary Round
  • Participants should download the official APP and use the APP to join the preliminary round. Students should download the official APP and use the APP to join the preliminary round. Each participant should choose one song from the list of designated songs. Each participant participant has 4 opportunities for uploading. Uploaded songs will be scored by the competition’s AI system according to preset standards. The top 100 groups are shortlisted based on the score.
  • Online quarterfinals
  • Candidates selected from the online preliminary round shall record a performance video of the designated songs. Adaption or add creativity is allowed. However, sound editing in post-production is prohibited. After the film is recorded, candidates shall submit contact information and their performance video to the official website ( no identification code required ). Fifteen finalists will be selected by professional judges whilst confirm the qualification by the OCAC staff.
  • Grand Final
  • In principle, the shortlisted candidates shall perform ONE designated song live. Adaption or add creativity is allowed. Winners will be announced by professional judges. Prizes will be awarded.

參賽者或學校對於比賽規則或APP使用方式有疑問,可逕詢問客服( sing.official@dwave.cc )。
For participants who have questions about competition rules and the use of APP, please contact customer service at sing.official@dwave.cc

For group participants, all members must be eligible.

賽程 Schedule

海外僑校組 Overseas Compatriot School Group

  • 6/14 – 8/4
    Online Preliminary Round
  • 8/8 – 8/24
    線上準決賽( 上傳比賽影片 )
    Online semi-final( Upload video )
  • 9/9前
  • 10/7
    總決賽( 入圍者需於10/3前將影片上傳至活動官網 )
    Final ( Finalist are required to upload the video to the official website by October 3rd )

國內僑生組 Overseas Compatriot Students Studying in Taiwan Group

  • 7/5 – 8/4
    Online Preliminary Round
  • 8/8 – 8/24
    線上準決賽( 上傳比賽影片 )
    Online semi-final( Upload video )
  • 9/9前
  • 10/7

The schedule is subject to change according to the CECC’s instruction. If the final has been affected by the epidemic, the final will be posponed.

獎項 Awards


華語歌曲 Mandarin Song

  • 第一名
    The first place
    USD$ 3,600
  • 第二名
    The second place
    USD$ 2,200
  • 第三名
    The third place
    USD$ 1,100
  • 優選3名
    USD$ 360

最佳閩南語歌曲表演 Best Hokkien Song Singer

  • 一組
    Best Song Singer *1
    USD$ 1,100

最佳客語歌曲表演 Best Hakka Song Singer

  • 一組
    Best Song Singer *1
    USD$ 1,100


華語歌曲 Mandarin Song

  • 第一名
    The first place
  • 第二名
    The second place
  • 第三名
    The third place
  • 優選3名

最佳閩南語歌曲表演 Best Hokkien Song Singer

  • 一組
    Best Song Singer *1

最佳客語歌曲表演 Best Hakka Song Singer

  • 一組
    Best Song Singer *1

The awards above all include trophies and certificates.

Finalists of the Overseas Compatriot School Group shall provide pre-record the interview videos under the competition executive team’s instruction.

All participating teams belong to the “Mandarin Songs” award. Those who choose to perform Hokkien songs or Hakka songs will be included in “Best Hokkien Song Singer” and “Best Hakka Song Singer”. When no one chooses to sing Hokkien and Hakka songs in the finals, the award will be left vacant.

國內僑生組總決賽第一名、閩南語獎及客語獎之得獎者應參加國慶晚會演出,無法參加該演出時,獎項、獎金及國慶晚會演出由次一名遞補, 原得獎者改領次一名之獎項與獎金。
Winners of the first place, the best Hokkien song singer, and the Hakka song singer in Overseas Compatriot Students Studying in Taiwan Group should participate in the National Day Gala performance ( Oct 7th ). If winners are unable to participate in the performance, the place, bonuses, and National Day Gala performance opportunity will be given to the team finishing below them. The original winners will receive the next place and corresponding award and prize money.




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