為您自己找到合適的競賽 – 所有人都可以免費參加。
Sony World Photography Awards 舉辦下列四項競賽
- Professional 表彰傑出的系列創作
- Open 獎勵最佳單張影像作品
National Awards 區域國家獎- 讚揚全球各地的攝影人才 - Youth 表彰12-19歲的新興攝影師的最佳單張影像作品
- Student 為全球攝影學生提供平台
請注意下列比賽:Professional 公開賽、Open 公開賽或 Youth 青年賽僅能擇一參加。
由World Photography Organisation製作,國際知名的Sony World Photography Awards是全球攝影節目中最重要的盛事之一。
該獎項是全球攝影之聲,為當代攝影提供了相當重要的見解。 對於老牌藝術家和新興藝術家而言,該獎項為他們的作品提供了世界級的曝光機會。
「索尼世界攝影大獎」已進入第 14 年,共包含四項競賽:職業 ( 登記作品體或作品集的攝影師 )、公開 ( 針對登記單一影像的攝影師 )、學生 ( 針對學術機構 ) 和青年 ( 12-19 歲 )。「索尼世界攝影大獎」已進入第 14 年,共包含四項競賽:職業 ( 登記作品體或作品集的攝影師 )、公開 ( 針對登記單一影像的攝影師 )、學生 ( 針對學術機構 ) 和青年 ( 12-19 歲 )。
永遠是免費參加競賽,每個人都可選擇參加一個競賽和類別,從建築、記錄片、風景、肖像、體育、街頭攝影、野生動物、旅遊、文化等。2021 年獎項的新類別包含「公開」競賽中的物體和生活風格,以及「職業」競賽中的作品集。「職業」競賽中的「建築」類別已擴展為「建築和設計」。
所有影像均由來自世界各地的業界專家評判,他們每年都會聚集在倫敦,獎勵傑出的作品。 得獎攝影師們共享總獎金$60,000( 美元 )以及最新的Sony數位影像設備。
憑藉啟動和塑造職業生涯的能力,該獎項為那些從事攝影工作的人,提供了一個前所未有的舞台以展示他們的作品。 之前得獎和入圍的攝影師們已經成為全球知名畫廊和機構的代表,並且他們的作品在主要國際出版物中刊出。
此外,該獎項還以傑出貢獻攝影獎( Outstanding Contribution to Photography award ),表彰世界上在媒體界最具影響力的藝術家。 以前的得獎人包括Mary Ellen Mark、Elliott Erwitt、Martin Parr、William Eggleston、CandidaHöfer以及最近的Nadav Kander。
- 包含參與全球和特定國家的媒體和行銷活動
- 獲得被列入國際展覽的可能性
- 被列入 Sony World Photography Awards記錄簿中
- 有機會申請Sony獎金進一步選擇您喜歡的攝影專案
World Photography Organisation擁有蓬勃發展的網路系統,並創建了專門的活動,透過其社交媒體平台、郵件和網站,該獎項為成功獲選的攝影師們提供前所未有的全球曝光機會。
Sony World Photography Awards的目標是建立一個持續發展攝影文化的平台。 該獎項旨在以傑出貢獻攝影獎表彰過去為攝影做出偉大貢獻的攝影師,以及尋找未來的新人才,並為他們提供在世界各地推廣和展示作品的機會。 這是透過獎項方案和結合Student competition 和 Youth competition以及學生和專業Sony獎金來實現的。 後者進一步證明了Sony對攝影文化的承諾,透過擴大與獎項之外的個人得獎者的關係來發展個人的職業生涯。 每筆$7,000( 美元 )和$3,500( 美元 )的獎金分別授予四名專業和三名學生得獎者,因此他們可以繼續發展他們的專案。
Youth competition獎勵下一代才華橫溢的攝影師, 評審們正在尋找嶄新的攝影方法和影像,展示年輕攝影師的視野。
對於2021年的新格式,12-19歲的攝影師們每月都會被賦予設定的挑戰主題。 從2020年7月到2020年1月,每位攝影師每月最多可以參賽三個單張影像來回答設定的挑戰主題。
評審們將每月最多選出十張他們喜愛的單張影像以及一名優勝者。 所有月度得優勝者們將繼續爭奪青年賽年度攝影師的頭銜。
參加Youth competition再簡單不過 – 登錄此處並直接從手機或桌上型電腦上傳您的影像即可。
- 青年賽年度攝影師可,以及一系列Sony數位影像設備
- 每月評審們選出的作品 – 將在World Photography Organisation網站和Instagram上展出
The Sony World Photography Awards support Pro-Imaging in order to protect the image rights of photographers.
1.1 By entering the Competition You hereby accept these Competition Rules and the Terms and Conditions.
1.2 .1 The competition is free to enter.
1.2.2 The Youth competition is open to all members of the public aged 12-19 on the closing date of the competition.
1.3 Entries must be submitted by the last day of each month between June 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019 13:00pm GMT.
1.4 By entering the Competition, You agree and acknowledge that the World Photography Organisation is permitted to receive your registration data. All personal information will be used by the World Photography Organisation in accordance with its Privacy Policy.
2. To enter, you must upload your image via the World Photography Organisation Website ( www.worldphoto.org ) or any of the official Sony World Photography Award websites and follow the on-screen instructions carefully.
2.1 Images must be taken in 2019 and Entries should be based on the monthly theme outlined, information on which can be found on the Website.
2.2 Images should be no smaller than 1mb and no larger than 5MB. Images should be JPEG files. All images must be saved in the sRGB colour model.
3.1 Entries will be judged on a monthly basis and the monthly winner will be announced at the beginning of each following month. The overall winner will be selected between January 8, 2020 and March 2020
3.2 Monthly winners and a shortlist will be selected and announced prior to the Awards Ceremony and the overall winner will be announced during the Ceremony in April 2020.
3.2.1 The overall shortlist and winner will be chosen from the monthly shortlist selected for each calendar month of the competition’s duration with each calendar month having a different theme.
3.3 The Youth Competition winner will be voted for by the Judges. The overall winner of the Youth Competition, will be notified by email and will receive return flights to London ( economy class ) and hotel accommodation, for two consecutive nights including the night of Awards presentation in London, April 2019.
3.4 The decision of the Judges and the World Photography Organisation is final and no negotiation will be entered into with respect to any such decision.
3.5 Each Entrant can submit up to three ( 3 ) images for free per monthly competition. Judging will be based on the single image and not a series of images.
4.1 The World Photography Organisation reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify and remove any entry that does not comply with the following requirements, even after the entry is submitted on the Website. You warrant and represent, in respect of each entry submitted by You ( “Entry” ), as follows:
4.1.1 You are the sole owner and author of each Entry
4.1.2 You have the right to make Your entry available to the Competition
4.1.3 Each Entry does not contain personally identifiable information about You or any other person( s )
4.1.4 Each Entry does not contain any infringing, threatening, false, misleading, abusive, harassing, libellous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, scandalous, inflammatory, pornographic or profane content
4.1.5 Each Entry does not contain any material that could constitute or encourage conduct which would be considered a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any law
4.1.6 Each Entry does not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, contract rights, or any other intellectual property rights of any third person or entity, or violate any person’s rights of privacy or publicity, and Your Entry does not include: Trademarks owned by third parties Copyrighted materials owned by third parties ( including movie dialogue or musical compositions ) Names, likenesses, voices or other characteristics identifying celebrities or other public figures, living or dead
4.1.7 Entries which contain any commercial content that promotes any product or service other than that of the World Photography Organisation.
4.1.8 Entries containing screen credits
4.1.9 No animals were harmed or manipulated in the making of the image
4.2 You agree to fully indemnify the World Photography Organisation in respect of all royalties, fees and any other monies owing to any person by reason of Your breaching any of the foregoing.
4.3 You confirm that each person depicted in the Entry has granted permission to be portrayed as shown. Any costumes, props or other materials used must be rented or borrowed with the permission of the owner, and all other relevant permissions must have been obtained.
5.1 If you are under 16, you have Your parent’s or legal guardian’s consent to participate in the Competition.
5.2 If the World Photography Organisation does not receive a valid signed parental or legal guardian consent form for any winner under the age of 16 within 7 clear days of the Entrant being declared a winner ( excluding the day on which such declaration is made by the World Photography Organisation ) the World Photography Organisation will be entitled to select an alternative winner from among the Entrants.
6. The World Photography Organisation may run an online rating process whereby members of the public may vote for a favourite photograph. If there is sufficient evidence ( in the World Photography Organisation’s sole discretion ) to suggest malpractice and manipulation of the rating process, then the World Photography Organisation has the right to remove the relevant Entry or Entries and, if necessary, award the prize to a different Entrant. The decisions of the World Photography Organisation are final.
7.1 The World Photography Organisation recognises You, the author of the image, retain full ownership of the copyright in each Entry.
7.2 All Entrants understand that any image submitted to the competition may be used by the World Photography Organisation, and its Event Partners, for marketing and promotional purposes of You the author and the event only, for a maximum of three years after the Awards Ceremony in April 2019. You hereby grant the World Photography Organisation a non-exclusive, irrevocable licence in each Entry throughout the world for three years in all media for any use connected to the promotion of You the author and the Sony World Photography Awards event and/or competition, including, but not limited to: Entrants understand that any image submitted to the competition may be used by the World Photography Organisation, and its Event Partners, for marketing and promotional purposes of the event only, for a maximum of three years after the Awards Ceremony date in April 2019. You hereby grant the World Photography Organisation a non-exclusive, irrevocable licence in each Entry throughout the world for three years in all media for any use connected to the promotion of the Sony World Photography Awards Event and/or Competition, including, but not limited too:
( a ) Judging the Competition
( b ) Displaying the winning entries and runners up at public exhibitions promoting the World Photography Organisation and organised by the World Photography Organisation
( c ) Inclusion within the Website, a World Photography Awards book, magazine or similar
( d ) Inclusion within any materials promoting of the Competition and / or any exhibition organised by the World Photography Organisation, in the promotion of the World Photography Organisation
( e ) Inclusion on Competition- and exhibition-related products to be sold by the World Photography Organisation or any third party following the individual agreement by the author
( f ) Sub-licensing the Entries to the press for reproduction in connection with the Competition and any exhibition
( g ) Allowing viewers of the Website and/or Sony World Photography Awards Application to view images on a computer screen, PDA or mobile telephone and store such pages in electronic form on disk or on a PDA or mobile telephone ( but not on any server or other storage device connected to a network ) for their personal, non-commercial use only. Please also refer to clause 9.
( h ) Incorporation by the World Photography Organisation and Sony World Photography Awards Event Partners in Sony World Photography Awards Galleries and or Sony World Photography Awards Gallery Applications on Event Partner devices for a period of three ( 3 ) years after the applicable Award Ceremony date. Notwithstanding the foregoing, You hereby acknowledge and agree if Your image is included in such Sony World Photography Awards Galleries or Sony World Photography Awards Gallery Applications Your image will remain perpetually in the device royalty free.
7.3 All Entrants understand that the image information, including image name and description, may be shared with Event partners and media as per clause 7.1, 7.2 and 8. For the avoidance of doubt the “image information” does not include any personal information of You the author.
8. Any photograph used by the World Photography Organisation shall carry a credit line. Any failure to provide such credit line shall not be deemed to be a breach, as long as the World Photography Organisation uses its reasonable endeavours to rectify such failure within a reasonable period from the date of notice of such failure.
9. The World Photography Organisation assumes no responsibility for any incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete information, whether caused by website users or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilised in the Competition, and the World Photography Organisation assumes no responsibility for technical, hardware or software failure of any kind, for lost network connections, garbled computer transmissions, other problems or technical malfunctions with regard to the Competition. the World Photography Organisation assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, corruption, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to or alteration of Entries. the World Photography Organisation is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, computer equipment, software, failure of any e-mail addressed to the World Photography Organisation on account of technical problems, human error or traffic congestion on the internet or any website, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to Your or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from participation or downloading any materials in the Competition. If for any reason a contestant’s entry cannot be viewed or is not capable of running as planned, including infection by computer viruses, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud or technical failures, the World Photography Organisation assumes no responsibility.
10. In no event will the World Photography Organisation, its parents, affiliates, subsidiaries and related companies, Event Partners, its advertising or promotion agencies, or its officers, directors, employees, shareholders, representatives or agents be responsible or liable for any damages or losses of any kind, including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special or punitive damages arising out of any Entrant’s access to and use of the Website. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, everything on the Website is provided “as is”without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for purpose or use or non-infringement.
11. You agree to participate in related publicity and to the use of Your name and likeness for the purposes of advertising, promotion and publicity without additional compensation.
12. All Entrants must be able to supply a high resolution image suitable for printing in media and an exhibition should the image be required.
13. There are no cash alternatives available for prize winners.
14. Winners will be announced online.
Promoter: World Photography Awards Limited, 9 Manchester Square, London.
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- 2025索尼世界攝影大獎.青年賽2025索尼世界攝影大獎.青年賽 比賽時間為2024年6月1日至2025年1月3日 19歲以下的攝影師可免費參賽,提交在2024年拍攝的單幅相片 最多可提交三張在去年引人注目的單張作品,並與評委分享 我們歡迎任何攝影風格、類型和技法:選擇您認為最能吸引評委目光和想像的優質相片參賽
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- 2024索尼世界攝影大獎.區域國家獎2024索尼世界攝影大獎.區域國家獎 截止日期是2024年1月5日13時(格林尼治標準時間) 國家和地區獎支援全球所有能力的攝影家。該獎項從公開賽的參賽作品中選出作品,使各地人才擁有展示才華的國際舞台 所有參加公開賽的攝影師,如果來自本獎項的註冊國家和地區之一,其相片都會被自動考慮
- 2024索尼世界攝影大獎.專業賽2024索尼世界攝影大獎.專業賽 截止日期是2024年1月12日13時(格林尼治標準時間) 最高美金25000獎金 免費參加 於任一類別提交一組5至10張影像創作者即符合參賽資格 共有十個投稿類別 各類別將分別評選出前3名得獎攝影師,及至多7位入圍攝影師 一位總冠軍可榮獲年度攝影師的頭銜
- 2024「以你之眼」索尼世界攝影大獎.青年賽2024「以你之眼」索尼世界攝影大獎.青年賽 參賽截止日期為2024年1月5日13:00(格林尼治標準時間) 比賽時間為2023年6月1日至2024年1月5日 攝影師最多可以提交三張與「透過您的眼睛」這一主題有關的相片。 評審將挑選最多10位攝影師入圍 入圍的攝影師將角逐年度青年攝影師
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- 2024「家」索尼世界攝影大獎.學生賽2024「家」索尼世界攝影大獎.學生賽 截止日期是2023年11月30日13時(格林尼治標準時間) 提供給年度學生攝影師及其大學的Sony數位攝影器材,總計為€30000 包括學生和1名導師的機票和住宿 最多將有10位攝影師入圍 請透過5到10張相片向我們展示一個以「家」為主題的故事
- 2023索尼世界攝影大獎.專業賽2023索尼世界攝影大獎.專業賽 截止日期為 2023 年 1 月 13 日下午 1 時(格林威治標準時間) 各類別將分別評選出前 3 名得獎攝影師,及至多 7 位入圍攝影師。 免費參加 於任一類別提交一組 5 至 10 張影像創作者即符合參賽資格。 一位總冠軍可榮獲年度攝影師的頭銜
- 2023索尼世界攝影大獎.公開賽2023索尼世界攝影大獎.公開賽 截止日期為 2023年 1 月 6 日下午 1 時(格林威治標準時間) 獎勵最棒的單幅影像作品!免費參加,您有機會贏得美金 $5,000、一套 Sony 數位攝影器材,還有更多曝光機會! 各類別將分別評選出前 3 名得獎攝影師,及至多 7 位入圍攝影師
- 2023索尼世界攝影大獎.區域國家獎2023索尼世界攝影大獎.區域國家獎 截止日期為 2023年 1 月 6 日下午 1 時(GMT) 凡參賽者所屬國籍確認註冊索尼世界攝影大獎- 「區域國家獎」計畫,其投稿至公開賽任一徵件類別的參賽作品,即自動具備「區域國家獎」之參賽資格。 所有獲勝者都將獲得 Sony人氣攝影器材,。
- 2023「您的日常」索尼世界攝影大獎.青年賽2023「您的日常」索尼世界攝影大獎.青年賽 開放給19歲以下的攝影師免費參賽,他們可提交2022年所拍攝的單一影像。 比賽期間自2022年6月1日至2023年1月6日。 攝影師可提出最多三張與主題 「您的日常」有關的影像。 評審將挑選最多10位攝影師入圍。 入圍的攝影師將角逐年度青年攝影師。
- 2023索尼世界攝影大獎.學生賽2023索尼世界攝影大獎.學生賽 截止日期為 2022 年 11 月 30 日下午1時(格林威治標準時間) 就讀攝影相關科系/課程之18至30歲的學生均可免費參加* 學生依據設定的主題創作5至10幅的系列影像。 最多將有10位攝影師入圍。 一位總冠軍可榮獲年度學生攝影師的頭銜。
- 2022索尼世界攝影大獎.專業賽2022索尼世界攝影大獎.專業賽 截止日期為 2022 年 1 月 6 日下午 1 時(格林威治標準時間) 免費參加,您有機會贏得美金 $5,000、一套 Sony 數位攝影器材,還有更多曝光機會! 共有十個投稿類別 各類別將分別評選出前 3 名得獎攝影師,及至多 7 位入圍攝影師。
- 2022索尼世界攝影大獎.專業賽2022索尼世界攝影大獎.專業賽 截止日期為2022年1月13日下午1時 (格林威治標準時間) 免費參加; 於任一類別提交一組5至10張影像創作者即符合參賽資格; 共有十個投稿類別; 各類別將分別評選出前3名得獎攝影師,及至多7位入圍攝影師; 一位總冠軍可榮獲年度攝影師的頭銜。
- 2022索尼世界攝影大獎.青年賽2022索尼世界攝影大獎.青年賽 •免費參加並開放給提交 2021 年所拍攝單件影像的所有 12-19 歲參賽者 •自 2021 年 6 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日以每個月不同的主題,進行競賽與評選 •攝影師每個月最多可以提交三件影像參賽 •評審每個月將挑選 10 件入圍影像,其中包括一名獲勝者
- 2021索尼世界攝影大獎.專業賽2021索尼世界攝影大獎.專業賽 參賽截止日期2021年1月14日格林威治標準時間下午1點整。 一位總冠軍將被選為年度攝影師並獲得$25,000美元的獎金 此競賽對每個類別提交一系列5到10張影像的任何人開放並且免費參賽。 共可登記十個不同類別,包含 2021 年競賽的新「作品集」類別
- 2021索尼世界攝影大獎.公開賽2021索尼世界攝影大獎.公開賽 參賽截止日期: 2021年1月7日格林威治標準時間下午1點整。 一名總冠軍將被選為年度公開賽攝影師並獲得$5,000(美元)的獎金。 此競賽開放給提交2020年拍攝的單張影像的任何人並且免費參賽 可登記十個類別,包含兩個新類別:生活風格和物體。
- 2021索尼世界攝影大獎.青年賽2021索尼世界攝影大獎.青年賽 參賽截止日期:2020年12月31日格林威治標準時間下午1點整。 2020年7月1日至2020年12月31日期間主題不斷變化的月度比賽。 此競賽開放給提交2020年拍攝的單張影像的12-19歲的攝影師並且免費參賽。 攝影師們每月最多可參賽3個單張影像。
- 2021索尼世界攝影大獎.學生組賽2021索尼世界攝影大獎.學生組賽 學生競賽的截止日期為 2020 年 11 月 30 日。 年度學生攝影師可為其代表機構贏得 30,000 歐元價值的索尼數位影像處理裝置。 機構必須登錄才能讓學生參加; 機構可以無限數目登錄參賽學生; 學生可以 5 到 10 張影像,來應答一固定簡介。
- 2019索尼世界攝影大獎「專業賽」2019索尼世界攝影大獎「專業賽」 此競賽對每個類別提交一系列5到10張影像的任何人開放並且免費參賽。以十種不同的類別參賽。獎項頒給獲得第一名、第二名和第三名的藝術家,以及每個類別最多可有10名攝影師入圍。一位總冠軍將被選為年度攝影師並獲得$25,000(美元)的獎金。
- 2019索尼世界攝影大獎「公開賽」2019索尼世界攝影大獎「公開賽」 此競賽開放給提交2019年拍攝的單張影像的任何人並且免費參賽。以十種不同的類別參賽。獎項頒給獲得第一名的藝術家,以及每個類別最多入圍的15位攝影師。一名總冠軍將被選為年度公開賽攝影師並獲得$5,000(美元)的獎金。
- 2019索尼世界攝影大獎「青年賽」2019索尼世界攝影大獎「青年賽」 此競賽開放給提交2019年拍攝的單張影像的12-19歲的攝影師並且免費參賽。2020年新格式:2019年6月1日至2019年12月31日期間主題不斷變化的月度比賽。攝影師們每月最多可參賽3個單張影像。評審們每月最多可選出10張影像,包括選出一名得獎者。
- 2019索尼世界攝影大獎「學生組賽」2019索尼世界攝影大獎「學生組賽」 任何從事全日制攝影課程的人都可以免費參加*。 學術機構必須為其學生註冊才能參加。 學生須以5到10張影像回答主題陳述。 獎項將頒給一位總冠軍和最多入圍的10位攝影師。 參賽截止日期:2019年11月29日英國夏令時間下午1點整。
- 2019索尼世界攝影大獎「夢想的召喚」台灣α系列攝影比賽比賽介紹 索尼世界攝影大獎 (Sony World Photography Awards) 台灣 α 系列攝影比賽簡介 全球規模最大的國際攝影競賽盛事 一「索尼世界攝影大獎」(...
- 2018索尼世界攝影大獎Sony與世界攝影組織所共同開辦的「索尼世界攝影大獎」(Sony World Photography Awards),今年再次廣邀來自世界各地的優秀攝影師與熱愛攝影的群眾一同免...
- 索尼世界攝影獎2016-專業賽今天就免費參與世界上最大、最受尊敬的攝影獎之一。 專業賽獎勵各類型的優秀攝影風格,每年不僅提供絕佳的曝光度與認可給獲獎者,還有入圍的攝影師。
- 2016索尼世界攝影大獎-台灣α7系列攝影比賽比賽程序與規範 參賽資格 限台灣地區使用 Sony α7 系列數位相機用使用者(鏡頭廠牌不設限)。 徵件期間 2015年11月25日起至1月31日,徵件截止至當日23:59:5...
- 索尼世界攝影奬2016–公開賽無論你是業餘攝影愛好者或是熱衷攝影的狂熱份子?只要你是他們其中一員,這個賽事就是為你而設。 無論你有多熱愛攝影,都可以參加這個公開賽;參加這個公開賽,你有機會嬴取五千美元獎金,...
- 索尼世界攝影獎2016-青年獎我們正在尋找別具才華的新一代年輕攝影師。本比賽組別接受 19 歲或以下人士參加。 無論你是在學校或大學學習攝影,或只是熱衷於拍攝日常生活,均可參加本比賽,把握機會成為索尼世界攝...