公園城市 夢想花園:2022年成都公園城市國際花園季暨第五屆北林國際花園建造周設計競賽徵集
Park City, Garden of Dream:Call for Entries to the Design Competition for 2022 Chengdu Park City International Garden Season and the 5th BFU International Garden-Making Week
Bamboo has always been an important image and symbol of Chinese traditional culture with its upright and unyielding posture, also its high-level and tough character. In ancient times, there was the poetic ideal of ‘a quite and secluded bamboo cottage’ and the noble character pursuit of ‘living with bamboo rather than meat’. The poetic and picturesque living environment created by bamboo and the tough spirit inherited by bamboo have been pursued by people for decades.
2022 Chengdu Park City International Garden Season and the 5th BFU International Garden-Making Week will be held in June 2022. The event aims to promote a craftsmanship spirit and cultivate professionals’ and students’ creativity through drawings, models and practices, the event will provide an opportunity to integrate material construction and artistic expression. We will invite relevant well-known organizations to co-host the event. We sincerely invite students and professionals in the field of landscape architecture and other related disciplines home and abroad to participate in the design and construction activities of the event this year.
花園季主題:公園城市 夢想花園
成都成就夢想,蓉城榮暢自然。為迎接2022年成都大運會的盛大召開,呼應本屆大運會“在成都,成就每一個夢想”的口號,本屆花園季的主題定為“公園城市 夢想花園”。夢想是青春與活力、激昂與拚搏的體育精神;是采菊東籬,怡然自樂的詩意棲居;是破土而出、綠意盎然的生命力量與青年力量。在夢想花園裡,或捕捉光影交織、空間流轉的夢幻奇境,或探索草木萌發、蝴蝶翩遷的自然奧秘,或感受情景交融、運動活力的場景氛圍,喚起人們築夢、逐夢的理想,實現成就夢想、榮暢自然的公園城市建設的美好藍圖。
Chengdu blooms with dream. Rongcheng flourishes with nature. This year’s Garden Season themed as ‘Park City, Garden of Dream’is to echo the slogan of the 2022 Chengdu Universiade ‘Chengdu makes dreams come true’. Dream signifies youth and vitality, the passionate and indomitable fighting spirit of sports. It is a poetic and idyllic existence where people gather chrysanthemums and enjoy themselves. It conveys the full dynamic youth energy and green vitality breaking through the ground. In the Dream Garden, you can enter the dreamlike wonderland where light and shadow are interwoven and spatial switching goes with you. You can explore the natural mystery of vegetation sprouting up and butterfly dancing trippingly. Also, you can feel the live atmosphere of sporting vigor, arousing people’s desire to build dreams and pursue dreams, and to realize the beautiful blueprint of park city in blooming and flourishing with dream.
本次競賽鼓勵設計者在有限的地塊內,以竹材和花卉為主要材料,設計並建造一座展示植物與自然魅力的“夢想花園”,設計者需充分尊重竹材的自然特性和施工技藝特點,使用定量的原竹、竹篾、竹片等材料,利用其空間延展性特徵、材料不同排列方式和密度形成的強烈韻律感特徵,探索竹作為結構材料、圍合材料和裝飾材料的多種可能性,尋找最適宜的呈現方式,並通過結合花卉的運用表達出設計師對“公園城市 夢想花園”這一主題的理解。
Participants are invited to design and build a small ‘Garden of Dream’ showcasing the charm of plants and nature in limited space by mainly using bamboo and herbs. Designers are encouraged to explore the various possibilities of bamboo as structural materials, enclosure materials and decorative materials on the basis of the natural characteristics of bamboo and the characteristics of its construction techniques, and to find the most suitable representation showcasing the theme of ‘Park City, Garden of Dream’. Bamboo materials, such as raw bamboo, bamboo splits, bamboo strips, etc., should be the main material. The strength ductility of bamboo and the consequent elasticity of the spatial structure, the ingenious joints caused by the limitation of natural materials, the various appearances and strong rhythm formed by the different arrangement and density of the materials… can be the basis for the design.
- 第一階段:方案設計徵集、評選,確定入選名單;
- 第二階段:入選作品施工圖繪製和可行性對接;
- 第三階段:現場建造、評獎、頒獎儀式及展覽。
The event has 3 phases:
•Phase-1: Call for entries, jury review and shortlist selection.
•Phase-2: Construction document preparation and feasibility negotiation.
•Phase-3: On-site construction, winner announcement, award ceremony and exhibition.
Guidance Organizers:Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture, International Network for Bamboo and Rattan
Organizers:Education Committee of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture, Chengdu Municipal Park City Construction and Management Bureau, School of Landscape Architecture of Beijing Forestry University
Executive Organizers:Chengdu Society of Landscape Architecture, Chengdu Park City Construction and Development Research Institute, Beijing Landscape Architecture Journal Periodical Office Co., Ltd., Chengdu Botanical Garden
本次北林國際花園季的競賽主題為“公園城市 夢想花園”,以竹材和花卉作為主要材料,設計並建造一座小花園。花園建造基地位於成都市植物園內,每塊建造基地面積16m²(4m×4m)。組委會將先期對建造基地做出統一界定,植物材料均為盆栽,不提供露地栽培植物。場地基礎資料和植物清單請至風景園林雜誌官網(www.lalavision.com)下載中心下載。建造內容包括一個以竹材為主要材料的景觀構築物,以及與之配套的花園空間。其中,竹構佔地不超過地塊範圍,餘地留作花園,竹構與花園必須有機融合,交相輝映,構建展示植物與自然魅力的花園空間。
The theme of the competition is ‘Park City, Garden of Dream’, inviting all participants to build a garden with bamboo and herbs.
All garden plots are located in Chengdu Botanical Garden, each with an area of 16m² (4m×4m). The organizing committee will demarcate these sites ahead of time and provide potted plants, but no open-field plants. Please check www.lalavision.com–Download Center to get more detailed site information and plant list.
It is required to design a bamboo pavilion and its garden space. The edge of the structure should not exceed the site boundary, and within the height limit of 5 meters. The pavilion should be well coordinated with the garden, forming an integrated whole of garden space showcasing the charm of plants and nature.
2)花材要求:夢想花園要求能夠充分體現花園中植物的魅力與重要作用。建造材料僅限花卉和地被植物,須在組委會提供的材料表中選擇,不宜使用其他材料和設置水面。3)請按照以上規則進行花園設計,否則將被取消參賽資格。1) Requirements for the bamboo pavilion: it should enable visitors to walk in or to participate. The structure should be no larger than the site boundary and the total height of the structure should not exceed 5m. Specific function and the corresponding form are suggested. The construction method should be simple and easy-constructing, yet it should be safe and firm. Optional bamboo materials include raw bamboo, bamboo splits, bamboo strips, no other materials are allowed to be used. The use of a large number of curved bamboos is not encouraged.
Each scheme requires to complete the structure with the following bamboo material: no more than 30 raw bamboos (including 30), no more than 100 bamboo splits (including 100), and no more than 300 bamboo strips (including 300). The specific material specifications are as follows:
2) Requirements for the plants: It is required to fully reflect the charm and important role of plants in the garden. Please only use herbs and ground covers on the material list provided by the organizing committee; no other materials and water features.3) Participants will be disqualified against the rules.
The competition opens to students at home and abroad (who could be undergraduate or graduate students studying landscape architecture and related majors, interdisciplinary team is encouraged). Each team should have no more than 6 members (including 6) and no less than 4 members (including 4) and one advisor. One can only join one team and each team should submit only one work, otherwise the group will be disqualified from the competition.
The team member list of final construction stage would be consistent with the entry list of the competition and may not be changed. Each team should have no more than 6 members (including 6) and one advisor. All construction phase shortlisted entries must be built on-site by team members in person.
There will be 24 schemes being shortlisted for the final presentation and review, with 16 of those entering the construction phase. According to the site construction result, these works will be awarded with first prize, second prize and the third prize.
In addition, there will be another 4 designer gardens for the same exhibition with the final construction gardens on site. The theme and relevant requirements are the same as those of the student competition garden. Please stay tuned.
2022年1月25日前:競賽徵集與報名Before January 25, 2022: Competition registration1)由學生自由組隊報名;
掃碼報名Scan to register
3)報名截止日期:2022年1月25日23:59(北京時間),須確定指導教師及團隊成員名單。報名後將得到一個註冊號,由組委會於2022年2月10日前通過電子郵件告知參賽者。1) Call for entries with teams;2) Follow the WeChat official account ‘北林園林資訊’ (ID:beilinyuanlinzixun) and ‘風景園林雜誌'(ID:LAmagazine),click on ‘閱讀原文’ (Read more) on the competition notice page; or access the website of Landscape Architecture Journal ( www.lalavision.com);or scan the QR code below to register.
3) Registration Deadline: Please confirm advisors and team members no later than 23:59 (Beijing time) January 25, 2022. Each team will receive a registration number before February 10, 2022 by email.
2022年3月10日前:設計方案提交Before March 10, 2022: Scheme submit
3)方案提交郵箱: contest@lalavision.com
1) Submission requirements:
The design project should be presented on an A0 printed panel (841 mm high, 1189 mm wide) in landscape format, saved as JPG with a 300-dpi resolution. The panel should include the presentation of the scheme, the related images and descriptions. Use both English and Chinese (or only English). No author, advisor and institution information should be mentioned on the panel. The panel must be saved as a JPG and named as ‘registration number.jpg’, such as ‘045.jpg’.
2) Deadline: March 10th, 2022
3) Please email the submission to: contest@lalavision.com
2022年3月25日前:方案評選Before March 25, 2022: Entry review
競賽組委會組織專家評審團對參賽方案的設計創意及建造可行性進行評審,遴選出入圍作品,並通過終審答辯確定入選花園建造季的實施作品。本次花園季學生競賽將共有24個組進入終審答辯環節,最終遴選出16個優勝方案將進入最終建造階段,根據建造成果現場評審確定最終獲得一等獎、二等獎、三等獎的作品。The organizing committee will convene a jury to review all competition entries for their design creativity and construction feasibility, giving awards to the open call winning entries from which winning schemes will be selected for construction during the garden season.
There will be 24 teams enter the final review, and 16 of those will be selected for the final construction stage.
2022年4月19日前:方案細化與調整與施工圖繪製Before April 19, 2022: Detailed design and revision
在開始施工圖設計前,組委會將根據評委和合作單位的意見,要求入選團隊進行基於實際建造可行性的方案深化調整。由合作單位向入選團隊提供技術指導,直至完成施工圖繪製。入選建造階段的競賽類作品均須繪製施工圖,以PDF格式提交組委會。施工圖文件為A3文本,包含平立剖施工圖,設計及施工說明、設計尺寸、材料做法、節點構造、細部大樣、預製構件、施工進度等。According to the suggestions of the jury and the cooperation companies, the organizing committee will require the winning teams to refine their schematic designs based on construction feasibility prior to the construction document preparation. The cooperation companies will provide technical supports to shortlisted teams until the completion of the construction documents.
The winning entries should complete their construction documents and submit to the organizing committee in PDF form. Construction documents should be A3 printed documents, including plans, elevations, sections, design and construction descriptions, design sizes, material specifications, construction details, prefabricated units, and schedules.
2022年5月28-31日:完成現場建造May 28-31, 2022: On-site construction
1)入選建造團隊於2022年5月底參加在成都舉辦的2022年成都公園城市國際花園季暨第五屆北林國際花園建造周啟動儀式,並開始花園建造工作。建造週期為3.5天。2)建造要求:須滿足相應的技術及安全牢固要求。1) Construction teams will attend the opening ceremony of the Garden Season in late May and then begin the garden construction work. The construction will take three and a half days.
2) Construction requirements: All relevant technology and safety requirements should be met.
2022年6月1日:評獎、頒獎儀式及展覽June 1, 2022: Jury discussion, the award ceremony and exhibition of the Garden Season
花園季組委會於現場建造結束後組織國內外知名專家進行評獎。頒獎儀式上將由特邀嘉賓為獲獎團隊頒發證書。The committee will organize well-known experts as jury to review and evaluate the construction result. Special guests will present certificates to the winning teams at the award ceremony of the Garden Season.
1) Participants agree on and adhere to the content of this notice as well as the competition rules, otherwise he or she will be disqualified. The competition organizing committee reserves the right of final explanation.
2) Digital drawings should not contain any author and institution names or LOGOs, entries which are not in accordance with the rules will be disqualified。
3) The competition organizing committee reserves all the rights other than authorship, including but not limiting to distribution, exhibition, information network dissemination, publication, etc. The designers reserve the right of authorship.
4) All participants should ensure their submissions are original and have not been submitted to other competitions.
5) Participants cannot receive guidance from the competition jury, otherwise he or she will be disqualified.
Email: contest@lalavision.com
Organizing Committee of 2022 Chengdu Park City International Garden Season and the 5th BFU International Garden-Making Week
Jan. 2022
- 2022年成都公园城市国际花园季暨第五届北林国际花园建造周设计竞赛大赛主题 公园城市 梦想花园 组织机构 指导单位:中国风景园林学会、国际竹藤组织 主办单位:中国风景园林学会教育工作委员会、成都市公园城市建设管理局、北京林业大学园林学院 承办单位:成都市风景园林学会、成都市公园城市建设发展研究院、北京《风景园林》杂志社有限公司、成都市植物园 组织形式 花园季竞赛组织分为3个阶段: 第一阶段:方案设计征集、评选,确定入选名单; 第二阶段:入选作品施工图绘制和可行性对接; 第三阶段:现场建造、评奖、颁奖仪式及展览。 建造方案设计竞赛征集 本次北林国际花园季的竞赛主题为“公园城市 梦想花园”,以竹材和花卉作为主要材料,设计并建造一座小花园。 http://www.lalavision.com/
- 公园城市 梦想花园:2022年成都公园城市国际花园季暨第五届北林国际花园建造周设计竞赛公园城市 梦想花园:2022年成都公园城市国际花园季暨第五届北林国际花园建造周 设计竞赛征集 Park City, Garden of Dream:Call for Entries to the Design Competition for 2022 Chengdu Park City International Garden Season and the 5th BFU International Garden-Making Week 竹以其挺拔不折的姿态与高节坚韧的品格成为中国传统文化的重要意象与符号。古有“幽幽水竹居”的诗意栖居理想,亦有“竹居可使食无肉”的高尚品格追求。竹所营造的诗情画意的人居环境和所传承的坚韧不拔的气韵精神,至今引人追寻。