

 總獎金: 625000(CNY)

最高獎金: 125000(USD)

報名時間: 即日起 ~ 2019-11-25

主辦單位: 檳城州政府


International Masterplan Design Competition



The Masterplan Design Competition (MDC) is an urban design (town planning) design ideas competition. Structured as an open international single-stage competition with a qualification process open to all qualified Malaysian and international architects and/or planners leading multi-disciplinary project consortiums, intending participants will be required to assemble a world class consortium team in diverse fields such Architecture, Urbanism, Economics, Mobility, Smart City Experts, Engineering and Technology, Sustainability and Environmental Designers, Landscape, etc, that are critical to meet the State Government of Penang’s objectives for selection.

The MDC is an initiative by the State Government of Penang and is organised in collaboration with the Malaysian Institute of Architects Northern Chapter (PAMNC) under the auspices of the Board of Architects Malaysia (Lembaga Arkitek Malaysia), and is based on international standards and guidelines.


The Qualification process will be conducted in two phases; a Registration of Interest (ROI) phase followed by the Expression of Interest (EOI) phase. At the ROI phase, an open call notice to all interested architects and/or planners will be launched. Intending participants fulfilling the basic outline requirements stated shall complete and submit the simple one-page ROI form, downloadable from this website. Successful ROI participants will be longlisted and invited to participate in the following EOI process.

At the completion of the ROI phase, participants will be issued with the EOI Memorandum, which will require a detailed capability statement and consortium outline profile. All consortiums are required to have a qualified Malaysian LAM/PAM registered architect and/or registered planner, as a consortia member/s working in association with the project leader.

Any costs incurred for the ROI and EOI submission shall be borne by participants as there are no design works required at the qualifying stage. The qualification process will be conducted by a Selection Panel (SP) nominated by the State Government of Penang to evaluate, deliberate and conduct due diligence on the ROI/EOI submissions for the PSI Competition Secretariat’s concurrence.


After the qualification process, a short-list of five (5) Finalists will be announced. The Finalists will be issued the Terms of Reference (TOR) Document containing the MDC rules and regulations, conditions and terms, project information as well as the Design Brief and detailed submission requirements with various reports and forms appended. All Finalists will be paid an equal honorarium to participate in the MDC, to be announced at the EOI stage.

The proposal submitted by the Finalist deemed most suitable by the Master Jury panel for implementation at the new Penang South Islands will be appointed by the State of Penang as the Lead Master Plan Designer, subject to terms & conditions.


  • Tue, 05 Nov, 2019
    Launch of MDC and ROI process
  • Fri, 25 Nov, 2019
    ROI DEADLINE (5.00pm GMT+8)
  • Fri, 06 Dec, 2019
    Issuance of EOI
  • Mon, 30 Dec, 2019
    EOI DEADLINE (5.00pm GMT+8)
  • Wed, 08 Jan, 2020
    Commencement of Design Stage
  • Wed, 08 Apr, 2020
    Design Stage submission DEADLINE (5.00pm GMT+8)
  • Mon, 20 Apr, 2020
    Master Jury presentations
  • Tue, 21 Apr, 2020
    PSI Symposium and Exhibition
  • Fri, 08 May, 2020
    Announcement of MDC results

Note: The PSI MDC Organiser reserves the right to amend the above in the event of unforeseen circumstances


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