Honoring the talent and innovative thinking of interior design students and showcases emerging professionals in the interior design industry.
This competition is open to graduate and undergraduate students around the world who are currently enrolled in an interior design or architecture program. Entrants must currently be enrolled at the time of submission.
School projects already completed may be reinterpreted and/or edited to meet the requirements of this competition. If the school project was completed as a group, all members must agree in writing to enter the reinterpreted and/or edited project, and all members must be listed as participants on the entry form.
Important Dates
The IIDA Student Design Competition takes place annually.
- Submission Open – Jan 11, 2021
- Submission Closed – Feb 15, 2021
All fees must be submitted electronically. Apply for IIDA membership to take advantage of our member pricing!
- $25 – IIDA Member Price – Individual
- $40 – IIDA Member Price – Team ( teams must have at least one IIDA Student member )
- $50 – Non-IIDA Member Price – Individual
- $80 – Non-IIDA Member Price – Team
Submission Requirements
All submissions will be done electronically, no hard copy submissions will be accepted. To enter a project into this competition, you will need to prepare and submit the following:
Written Component
Your contact information including participant name( s ), member ID ( if applicable ), address, phone number, and email
Your design project’s information including project title
Project description outlining why your concept demonstrates the best solutions possible for the design prompt ( 500 words )
Digital Presentation Board
Please submit two ( 2 ) 24” x 36” digital presentation boards in PDF format with a file size between 3MB and 10MB and containing the following:
One ( 1 ) dimensioned floor plan drawn to scale
One ( 1 ) furniture and materials plan ( may be combined with dimensioned floor plan )
One ( 1 ) reflected ceiling plan, created with the assumption that the ceiling is a blank slate
Two ( 2 ) to four ( 4 ) renderings of the completed space
Two ( 2 ) additional drawings of the space, which can be elevation, perspective, isometric, axonometric, or orthographic.
Additional elements to convey the overall concept including, but not limited to, furniture and fixture specifications, color palettes, wall sections, electrical plans, schedules, additional renderings, etc.
Your board should NOT contain your name or any identifying information. Your file name should be: SDC + initials + year_board ( SDCLHH2020_board.pdf )
Please submit individual images of the 10-12 images outlined above. All images should be submitted in JPG or JPEG format with a file size between 2MB and 10MB. Take note of the following additional guidelines:
Images should be saved in RGB color mode with a minimum 150 dpi ( 300 dpi is preferred )
Images should have a minimum dimension of 8.5” x 11”
Your images should NOT contain your name or any identifying information. Your file names: SDC + initials + year_number ( SDCLHH2020_1.jpg )
The winning design projects will be selected by a jury of design professionals. Submissions are judged on excellence in aesthetics, design, creativity, and function as well as the suitability of the design solution to the project challenge and the successful integration of the elements of design.
Winners will be announced Spring 2021, and will be featured on IIDA.org, in the spring 2020 issue of QUAD, and DesignMatters. OFS provides the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place winners with a financial prize of $2,500, $1,500, and $750 respectively. Winners will also receive official digital assets, including competition winner LOGOs for self-promotion, coverage and mention on IIDA’s social media accounts, and in an official press release distributed to leading industry outlets and media partners.
Additional Documents
- 2021 IIDA Student Design Competition Design Brief
- 2021 IIDA Student Design Competition Clarifying Questions
- 2020 IIDA Student Design Competition Project Showcase
- 2019 IIDA Student Design Competition Project Showcase
International Interior Design Association相關競賽:
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- 2021 IIDA STUDENT OF THE YEAR2021 IIDA STUDENT OF THE YEAR Submission Closed - Feb 16, 2021. Recognizing an IIDA Student Member that has demonstrated outstanding leadership.
- 2021 IIDA EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR2021 IIDA EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR Submission Closed - Feb 16, 2021. Recognizing and celebrating an full-time design educator for outstanding accomplishments
- 2021 IIDA MEMBER OF THE YEAR2021 IIDA MEMBER OF THE YEAR Submission Closed - Feb 16, 2021. Recognizes an IIDA Member that demonstrates outstanding volunteer service through commitment
- 2021 IIDA STUDENT DESIGN COMPETITION2021 IIDA STUDENT DESIGN COMPETITION OFS provides the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place winners with a financial prize of $2,500, $1,500, and $750 respectively.
- 2021 IIDA SUSTAINABLE DESIGN EDUCATION FUND2021 IIDA SUSTAINABLE DESIGN EDUCATION FUND Submission Closed - Feb 12, 2021. Supporting IIDA members pursuing the practice of sustainable design strategy
- 2021 IIDA NCIDQ TUITION REIMBURSEMENT FUND2021 IIDA NCIDQ TUITION REIMBURSEMENT FUND The IIDA Foundation will award exam fee reimbursement of up to $1,100 for up to 14 IIDA Associate members.
- 2021 IIDA ANNA HERNANDEZ&LUNA TEXTILES VISIONARY AWARD2021 IIDA ANNA HERNANDEZ&LUNA TEXTILES VISIONARY AWARD The 2021 Anna Hernandez/Luna Textiles Visionary Award is one $5,000 cash prize to be presented to a recipient in spring 2021.
- 2020 IIDA GLOBAL EXCELLENCE AWARDS2020 IIDA GLOBAL EXCELLENCE AWARDS 截止日期:2020年12月02日。 2020年是全球卓越設計大獎舉辦的第十一個年頭,旨在表彰國際室內設計、室內建築項目中的傑出創意和卓越設計。 任何室內設計師/室內建築師都可以報名參賽。 項目必須位於美國境外。
- 2020 IIDA – BEST OF ASIA PACIFIC DESIGN AWARDS2020 IIDA - BEST OF ASIA PACIFIC DESIGN AWARDS 截止日期:2020年10月13日。 第八屆IIDA亞太區最佳設計獎旨在表彰室內設計/室內建築項目中最高水平的創意和設計。 參賽要求 : 任何室內設計師,室內建築師或建築師都可以提交設計項目。
- 2020 IIDA Healthcare Design Awards2020 IIDA Healthcare Design Awards 截止日期:2020年9月17日。 IIDA醫療室內設計大獎賽由國際室內設計協會主辦,今年為大賽第九屆。本次大賽旨在表彰和頌揚醫療保健室內空間設計卓越創意。 全球範圍內合法的設計從業人員均可參加,設計項目必須在2018年6月之後完成。
- IIDA國際室內設計協會學生設計競賽IIDA國際室內設計協會學生設計競賽 我們主張在教育、卓越設計、立法、領導力、認證和社區推廣等方面取得進步,以提高室內設計的價值和理解,這是一個專業,可以提高商業價值,並且每天都會對人們的健康和福祉產生積極的影響。 本次比賽向世界各地的研究生和本科生開放,參加室內設計或建築項目,可個別報名或團隊 報名(最多五人)。